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It was cold and dark and your whole body felt like it wanted to give up. You were trudging through the snow trying to stay bundled up with the thin coat that covered your body and scarf that threatened to blow away in the wind. The street lamps were lit but the very dim light offered no illumination on who the figure in front of you was. You squinted, hoping that the narrowing of your eyes would somehow, magically allow you to see clearer.

You recognized that shape, that large frame that walked in front of you. You started to scream out his name but he kept walking ahead, never looking back. You ran trying to get closer to him, trying to get him to notice you. Why wasn't he noticing you? You closed the space between you and your frail hand came out from your coat pocket to tap his shoulder.

"Kylo." Your voice was barely a whisper, echoing in your ears barely able to be heard. He didn't flinch, he just kept walking. You could feel the frustration building and you got ahead of him placing both hands on his shoulders. This caused him to stop but he never looked up. You shook him and screamed his name as you felt an immense fear build inside you.

"Look at me!" You screamed. "Why won't you look at me!" 

Somehow you felt the warm tears falling down your cheeks as the man who you thought might have even an ounce of feeling for you, acted like you didn't even exist. You felt like a ghost who hadn't passed through yet, coming back to say goodbye to the one you loved. But he couldn't hear you. He couldn't see you.

Was he grieving you? Or was he happy you were gone?




A loud clanging noise woke you up and pulled you out of your dream. You were panting trying to catch your breath from the images you had just seen behind the darkness of your eyelids. It had felt real. Too real.

Kylo was missing from the other side of the bed. He was no longer holding you like he did last night. His familiar warmth close to your back was gone and you didn't like the feeling of it being missing. You climbed out of the bed and made your way downstairs. You hoped he would still be home but the reality was that he probably wasn't.

To your surprise, you found him in the most pleasing situation as you reached the bottom of the stairs. Kylo had set up a mini-workout area in the living room for the winter. He was shirtless, sitting on the edge of the bench, back facing you. You could hear the grunts and heavy breaths he was letting out each time he would curl his arms towards his chest, clutching the heavy dumbbells in his hand. Every muscle was being worked and being exposed. He hadn't heard you come down so you had the opportunity to just watch without him knowing. The sweat made his back glisten as you saw each drop slide down his back finding the curves of his muscles and the divots of his scars. You were in awe of him, of his strength, of just how massive he really was, and you couldn't help but press your thighs together.

His hair was tied up messily into a bun and you thought you'd die right there. Your brain couldn't process how celestial the moment was and how everything about him was sculpted perfectly and put into place like the last piece of a puzzle. His weights came crashing down as he finished his reps pulling you from your thoughts and making you gasp. It was loud enough for him to hear and he whipped around as if he was expecting you to be someone else. His face softened when he saw it was you.

"Good morning," he said, as you stood in shock that he actually spoke a greeting first.

"Good morning," you replied with a smile, "no work today?"

He stood up from the bench and started making his way towards the kitchen. You followed. "Surprisingly no." He looked relieved, less on edge than he did when he didn't have work to worry about. He started pulling breakfast foods from the fridge and placing them on the counter.

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