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You were so glad it was Friday. You'd been swamped at work after your travels and you desperately needed "family dinner" tonight. You, of course, had talked with Poe about your trip, but you hadn't seen Rey. She had been busy shooting and work was keeping you with late hours. You had a quick phone call earlier in the week but you needed to see your best friend. You needed someone who would listen to the struggles you were facing with Kylo and understand them. Give you advice on them. Comfort your shattered heart.

You went back to your apartment after work and immediately just fell onto the couch. You let out a big sigh from the exhaustion and leaned your head back closing your eyes.

"Long day?" Poe asked from the kitchen. He was already starting to prepare dinner as you let your eyes rest for a moment.

"You could say that," you responded with a chuckle. You were always so grateful for your brother. You had the best relationship and you wouldn't trade it for the world. It was really special. Not many people can say they have that kind of relationship with their siblings.

"I'm going to go jump in the shower quick," you said, getting up from the couch with a sigh.

"Take your time, I've got dinner covered," Poe said as he continued to cook away. You made your way over to him giving him a tight hug from behind.

"Thank you," you squeezed him tight before heading back into your bedroom. You undressed, taking off the uncomfortable work clothes you had chosen to wear this morning. You walked into the bathroom turning the shower water on.

You looked at yourself in the mirror for a moment. You never usually liked what you saw staring back at you and this time was no different. You hadn't stopped thinking about Kylo, even though you wanted to. As you looked in the mirror, you wondered if you'd ever be enough. If someone would ever truly love you. You didn't want to start crying. Tonight was supposed to be fun, good times spent with your friends, and you didn't want to ruin it with your sadness. You stepped into the shower and let the warm water rush over you, washing your body, ridding it of the day's grime.

You stood under the water, trying to forget, to push the thoughts out of your head. Until you suddenly realized how long you had been standing there under the water. You needed to get out, your guests would be arriving soon and you didn't want Poe to have to do all the work.

You got out of the shower and dried off, changing into some comfortable clothes and heading back out to the kitchen.

"Need any help?" You asked as Poe turned around at the sound of your voice.

"Do you mind setting the table?"

"Not at all." You moved to grab plates, forks, and knives. As you place them on the table, you hear the buzzer. You jog over to let your guests in. Rey and Finn enter and your face lights up. You immediately found Rey with your arms, bringing her into a tight hug. Finn had joined Poe in the kitchen as you finally let Rey free of your arms.

"I've missed you so much," you tell her, taking her hands in your own.

"I've missed you too, we have lots to talk about huh?" She could see it in your eyes. She was always good with noticing when there was a lot on your mind or when you had something you needed to tell her.

"Yes, but let's enjoy dinner first ok?" She nodded as you both went to find your seat around the table. Poe had made the most delicious pasta. It was so good that for most of the eating part of dinner, everyone was silent, savoring the delicate flavors. Once most of the meal had been eaten, Finn started asking you about Singapore. He wanted to know everything, and so did Rey. You told them all about the sights, how beautiful it was, the culture, the people, everything good about your trip. But Rey knew there was more to the story. You gave them the souvenirs you brought back and they loved them. They hugged you, grateful that you had thought of them while you were a world away.

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