Lucky Ones

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Kylo had made good on his promise of keeping you pretty much confined to the bed. When Monday came around you were achy and a bit sore from your weekend activities. Kylo had left you early so you decided to text Rey and see if she could meet for coffee before you went to work. She only had a few more weeks in the city before she left for California to work on a movie. You were still so in awe of how amazing she is and you were happy that she was getting so many amazing opportunities coming her way. If anyone deserved them, Rey did.

She texted you back quickly and told you she would head to your usual spot and wait for you. So, you dressed quickly and headed out the door. Elliot offered to drive you and got you there before you knew it. You walked in to see Rey at your usual table, a big smile on her face when she saw you. She still managed to stay unnoticed by most people but you figured that would change after she did this upcoming movie. She was so talented, you were sure she would stand out and only be offered more roles in the future.

"Ah! It's so good to see you," Rey said excitedly as she pulled you in for a big bear hug like always.

You squeezed her back, a big smile on your face. "I've missed you!" No matter how long you went without seeing each other, even if it was a day, you were always excited to meet up again. You pulled apart to sit down, Rey already having ordered your coffees and muffins. Just as always, the two of you picked up right where you left off, chatting about things you might've missed in each other's lives, sipping on your coffee.

"So, what are we doing for your birthday?" Rey asked, holding her coffee cup to her lips.

Her question threw you off, you hadn't even realized your own birthday was coming up. You'd been so distracted with all the other things going on in your life that you forgot what month it even was.

"I hadn't really thought about it. You know me, my birthday is just another day. I don't need to do anything." You gave her a small smile before picking off some of your muffin.

"Well, we have to do something. It'll be our last chance to party before I leave." She saw the sadness cover your face. You were so happy for her but you were going to miss her. She had always been that person you went to. Whether it was gossip, heartbreak, grief, or excitement, Rey was always the person you could turn to. You would miss not being able to text her to meet for coffee, or to have girly, cheesy, sleepovers as if you were still teenagers. You knew she wasn't gone forever but it was still going to be hard.

"I'll throw something together so we can celebrate. We'll do it early so it won't even feel like it's for your birthday." She got giddy in her chair just thinking about it.

"You know you don't have to," you responded.

"Oh I know I don't. But, you're my best friend. I want to." She paused, looking at you for a moment. "Should I...invite Kylo? Does he...know your birthday is coming up?" She asked hesitantly.

"No, I haven't told him. It's okay he'll probably be too busy with work anyway." You could feel Rey looking at you as you took another sip of your coffee.

"Are you sure you don't-"

"He's got a lot on his mind right now. He doesn't need to be worrying about me or my upcoming birthday. Okay?" Your tone was soft but direct. You were sure of your decision and you wanted Rey to know that too. You knew she sometimes liked to do what she thought was best for you. Most of the time she was right, but this time you wanted to be clear.

She shook her head and you both got back to chatting about work and life. The time flew by like it always did when you and Rey were just spending time together. Your phone was dinging in no time, reminding you that you needed to get to work. You finished your coffees before saying your goodbyes.

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