Author's Note

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Well, here we are. Well-Bred has officially come to an end. And before I even start getting into all the sappy stuff I have to say thank you to my readers from the bottom of my heart. I'm incredibly grateful to have received so much from all of you during this journey. Never in a million years would I have thought this story would receive the statistics that it did. Sure it's not the highest I've ever seen but it's certainly much higher than I ever dreamed I'd receive. And I consider myself lucky that you all have read and loved it as much as you have. I'm thankful for your kindness and your patience with my sporadic updates and unedited chapters.

I am genuinely amazed that we have seen this day come. There were so many instances throughout the writing journey of this story where I thought it'd be better just to delete everything and give up on this story. I never thought I was good enough, that my writing was good enough to be read by the wonderful people in this fandom. I knew there were other amazing stories out there, much better than mine, and probably better written than mine. But your comments, the support from so many close friends, and the desire to give these characters the ending they deserve kept me going. And I am so glad that I did. Not only can I be proud of this accomplishment but I can also learn and grow from it.

It is bittersweet to be finished with this story and I know the end has been a long time coming. I started this journey when I was locked down and confined to my house during COVID. At a time of so much uncertainty, I clung to the comfort of some of my favorite characters. Daydreaming scenarios about how each one would live, interact, and love in a modern world. Finally, I decided to go after a dream I'd had since I was a kid. Write a full, complete story. I had just graduated from college and was searching for a job and thought it'd be a perfect time to start. I had the support of friends, who listened to my ideas and told me they were excited to read. And then the first chapter was born. I go back now and look at that chapter, how obvious it was that I was just starting out. The chapter was so short and I didn't give you much so it shocks me that you all continued to read after that and that you've stuck with me and this story for so long. I hope you feel I did it justice, that I gave these characters a good ending. I hope you enjoyed the wild ride and I'll never be able to thank you all enough.

And of course, there are specific people I want to thank for helping me along this journey. Whether it was to talk out problems I encountered or just constantly there to give support, I couldn't have asked for a better group of people to stick not only with me but with this story as well. First, I want to thank Jo who has been so supportive and one of my most loyal followers of this story from the beginning. She was there when Well-Bred was just an idea and has stuck with it all the way through. She's been so helpful, inspiring me with ideas, and constantly hyping me and my writing up which has helped me complete this story. I will miss the text and voice reactions you would send with every chapter update. Second, is Karlin and Steph. They both have always looked forward to updates, came to me to scream about how much they love the story, and have been nothing but supportive along the journey. They've put up with me and my crazed mind on more than one occasion and I really appreciate that. Steph was actually the person who helped inspire "Your Epilogue." And finally, Caroline. There aren't enough words to describe how much she's helped me along this journey. She's been kind and understanding and believed in me when I would (often) think I couldn't write a chapter or wanted to give up and delete the whole story. She was always offering to help talk through plot lines with me even if I was super vague because I wanted to keep my chapters a surprise. She never made me feel less than for having negative thoughts about my writing and was proud even if I only wrote one sentence. She was always excited about new chapters and she too inspired many different aspects of this story. To all of you, thank you. For your support, kindness, and love for me and this story. I couldn't have done it without you.

My hope is to go back through this story and clean it up and make edits so it reads cleaner and easier in case you ever come back to it. Since it has taken me about two years to write it, I know there are things that might read inconsistent because I forgot or changed my mind halfway through and didn't think to update. I definitely learned a lot from not having outlined my story fully and my chapters lol. So, I want to go back and make sure that it's the best that it can be.

I'm not sure what the end of this fic means for me or what comes next. I have a lot of story ideas in my head but of course, putting them to paper has always been the more daunting task. If enough people want to read more of my stories then perhaps I will write something like Well-Bred again. But in the near, near future, I will probably be doing more shorter stories. It might be a bit before I find the inspiration to start writing again, after this long story I might need a bit of a break but it won't be long I promise. I have a whole file filled with story ideas that I can't wait to dive into.

And finally, another big thank you to you all. I never thought anyone would be interested in my writing and truly believed no one would read or find this little story but I am so happy you all did. I owe the finishing of this fic to you. You, the reader, kept me going. Thank you for trusting me with these characters and with your own time. If you want to keep up with me you are always welcome to find me on Twitter @adamdsolo and follow me here on Wattpad to get updates when I post more stories! Once again, thank you thank you thank you from the bottom of my heart♥️

Xo, Laur

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