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With Kylo finally home, you started to feel more yourself again. You were feeling good about work again, doing incredibly well at your shoots and taking stunning photos. You could not complain about your job when you were one of the few who actually enjoyed what they do.

The weather was getting cooler as winter approached and you were spending time with Poe and your friends as much as you could. You missed them. You missed the antics you'd get into after having a few glasses of wine on game night. You missed the stories they'd share and the laughter that filled the room anytime you all were together. It felt good to know things seemed to be getting back to normal. Aside from the two bodyguards that still traveled with you everywhere you went.

You couldn't deny that you were still glad to have them. After hearing the news that Snoke would be returning to the states, you full well, expected something to happen. It surprised you that you hadn't heard anything from him. Or he hadn't tried to get to you again. He had done both before. But you knew you were safe. You were safe with Kylo.

Today, you had an early morning shoot and then the rest of the day free. You figured you'd surprise Kylo at the office with some lunch. He had been gone for too long and you couldn't even bear to be apart from him during a workday.

You thought about how happy you'd be just to see his face and get to hug his body tight to yours throughout your entire shoot. How you'd breathe in the scent of him and feel safe in his arms. You were lucky your shoot went smoothly and therefore on schedule. You loved when your clients were easy and understanding. When they listened to your expertise, everything went without a hitch. Not to toot your own horn but that's what you were there for. To not only make it easy on them but to make sure they looked good in their shots so you didn't have to waste anyone's time.

Before you knew it you arrived at Force Technologies, after picking up Kylo's favorite Chinese takeout. The new receptionist-- that you only assumed Kylo had hired after your several petty encounters with his previous one-- was nowhere in sight. You looked around before you made your way back towards his office. As many times as Kylo told you that when you came to the office you never had to check-in, you always liked being able to ask if he was busy. You never wanted to interrupt him during a meeting or a stressful time.

So, as you walked down the hall to his office, you tread carefully. As you reached his door you knocked softly and waited. You heard laughter coming from inside. His laugh. You figured he probably didn't hear your knock but he seemed to be in a good mood so you decided to go in and make good on your surprise.

You opened the door like you had so many times before. But this time the door grew heavy as you inched it open only to reveal your worst nightmare. Behind his desk, Kylo sat with his eyes closed as a woman stood behind him. Her hands were running down his chest and coming back up to rub his shoulders. She had long brown hair that fell well past her shoulders and she was gorgeous with her perfectly done makeup and red lips. She looked like the girl you always wished you could be. Confident and bold.

Neither of them noticed you'd opened the door. Too invested in whatever it was they were doing or...whatever it was they were starting. You couldn't believe your eyes. How could he let another woman's hands be all over him like this? He was so relaxed and calm as she was de-stressing him with her hands. Wasn't that something you were supposed to do? As his partner?

You froze in the doorway not sure if you should make your presence known or just flee and pretend you saw nothing. You were so shocked that any other emotion you might have been feeling hadn't quite been processed yet. But one thing was for sure, you wanted him to know you were there. You wanted him to know you saw them together. Because if it was what you thought it might be, he needed to know he'd been caught.

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