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You stayed with Kylo for the rest of the week still uneasy to stay overnight at your apartment. You knew you'd have to get over it though. As much as your heart warmed at the thought of staying at Kylo's forever, you knew that's not what he wanted. You would have to go back.

"I'm sorry if I'm overstaying my welcome," you said, interrupting the bite of breakfast he was about to put in his mouth. It was strange how easily it was to "live" with him. Usually, you would get so annoyed with a roommate but with Kylo it was simple. You both knew how the other functioned in a way you couldn't explain. He knew when you needed space and you knew when he wanted to be left alone as he worked busily.

You found his eyes as they looked at you intently.

"You haven't overstayed your welcome at all," he replied, continuing his bite.

Your face fell because you felt like he was lying. You felt that having you around might be too much or a burden. You always felt that people thought you were a lot. That you were annoying. So it was hard to believe that anyone would even want you around as often as Kylo did.

He caught the look on your face. You saw him panic a little thinking he might have said too much or the wrong thing. "But if you're anxious to get back to your apartment, I can install a security system for you so you won't have anything to worry about," he finished.

You both weren't saying what your hearts were screaming at you. "Oh," you said, thinking that meant he wanted you to leave. "Sure that would be great."

He just looked at you for a moment before answering, "Ok."

You continued the rest of your meal in silence not wanting to communicate your true feelings to him out of fear. Fear of exposing too much. Of being humiliated and embarrassed when he didn't feel the same.

Kylo got on the phone after cleaning up from your meal and you could hear he was giving instructions to someone. Then you heard your address. Wow, he's moving quickly on this, you thought to yourself and it only made your mood sadden. Kylo hung up and headed to his office without another word. He was able to work from home today and as much as that could be used to your advantage you knew he would be too busy anyway.

You made your way up to the bedroom and rooted around through the pile of things you had building in the corner. You hadn't been back to your apartment at all so all your Christmas gifts were here. You rooted through to find the one you bought for Kylo. You debated on whether you should physically give it to him but you figured you'd save yourself the embarrassment of him opening it and absolutely hating it. You wanted to hide it somewhere he would find it.

You tried to think of all the rooms he frequents and the different things he typically uses in a day to figure out a place to put it. You didn't care if he got it before Christmas, you just didn't want to be there when he did. You figured he gets clothes out of his dresser every day so you placed it in there under the shirt that was on top. You hoped he'd find it there.

While Kylo was busy working away you got all your things together, packed them up, and brought them downstairs sitting them by the door. You didn't want to leave. Your heart ached at the thought of Kylo not being the first and last thing you saw each day. But you knew you had to.

You pulled out your phone to send a quick text to Poe, Finn, and Rey telling them you wanted to get together. You still hadn't told them that Kylo offered for you all to take his jet. You figured you'd surprise them because you knew they would all freak out from excitement, especially Finn. You felt bad taking his jet...almost like you were taking advantage of him. But he had insisted and you really didn't want to have to do that drive.

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