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It was a crisp and breezy morning as Kylo took his usual after workout morning run through the park. He found running the best way to clear his mind, wake him up, and motivate him for the day ahead. He usually didn't sleep; he was constantly haunted by the nightmares of his past. But this morning his run wasn't helping to clear his mind. The memory of her repeating over and over in his mind. The way she had stood up to him, talked back to him as if he wasn't who he was. It was agitating and she pissed him off. She had no right to speak to him that way since he was far her superior. But that wasn't all he felt. Something inside him that day made him burn and ache with need. No one ever stood up to him like that before and he liked it.

He took a moment to stop and take a deep breath of fresh air as the sun slowly began to rise. He couldn't get her out of his mind, and it drove him crazy. He knew he needed to push his thoughts away. Today was a huge day at work, and he needed his focus to be on what's best for his company.

Kylo knew it would be hectic when he walked into the office but he was appalled by the lack of organization that he saw before him today. It seemed nothing was going right and he was busy fixing things straight up until what was supposed to be his lunch break. Kylo rarely took lunch because he was always so incredibly busy. Today he told himself he'd take a few minutes to eat the salad that he had picked up in the cafeteria. While eating he finally had a chance to check his email. What he didn't expect was to see her name on his screen with an email from her. She had sent over some of the final proofs from their photoshoot for him to look over and approve so they could move forward with the cover and piece for the magazine. He opened the attachments and to his own surprise he was...impressed. He hated himself in photos that was for sure and almost everyone knew it which is why he only agreed to certain photoshoots. But somehow, through her images, she brought out a side of him he hadn't seen in a while. That didn't sit well with him. But there was no denying her talent.

Almost as soon as he went to respond to her a manager swung open his door in a panic.

"Sorry to bother you sir but, the photographer we had hired for today's shoot is extremely ill and cannot make it."

"FUCK!" Kylo yelled incredibly frustrated that nothing was going right today. The manager looked at him baffled and slightly terrified.

"LEAVE," he yelled, "I'll handle this." The manager exited quickly and Kylo was left with another mess to fix. He paced his office trying to figure what his next move should be when his eyes landed on the email opened on his laptop. She'd already proven how talented and capable she was he was sure she'd be able to handle what the company needed today. Plus, he wanted to see her again, needed to see her again. He knew his influence was powerful enough to get what he wanted so he dialed his phone and called Entrepreneur Magazine.


You sat at your desk mind wandering to thoughts of him. Kylo fucking Ren the conceded asshole who thought you weren't good at your job yet the same one who had been in your mind helping you fulfill your pleasure every night. You needed a distraction; you needed a new project. Before you could get up from your desk Trevor, your work colleague and good friend was rushing towards you.

He had a mischievous smirk on his face and whispered, "honey, good luck!" As soon as he said it you saw your manager turning the corner coming towards you. You were nervous, it felt like you were going to get fired. That Kylo Ren had called the office to complain about the way you treated him at the last photoshoot. Jokes on you because it turned out Kylo Ren did fucking call but it wasn't to get you fired, it was to hire you.

You were quite shocked to say the least. You didn't know how he did it. You were employed through the magazine and they gave you projects to do for them and them only. You never thought you'd be able to be hired individually for another company.

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