Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas

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Your bruises were healing nicely. Kylo was ever the caretaker making sure you didn't lift a finger more than you needed to. You were lucky. All your tests came back normal, everything seemed to be healing fine. You'd have some scars for a while but you were already feeling much better and getting back to yourself again.

What happened at the Gala had spooked you. It had enraged Kylo and he upped security on you almost immediately. He had to keep you safe since all of this was happening because of him. No matter how many times you tried to tell him it wasn't his fault and that you were here willingly no matter what danger it put you in, he still blamed himself.

Kylo had been busy all week. He usually worked through Christmas but because he had agreed to come home with you for the holiday, he was working tirelessly to make sure things ran smoothly while he was absent. That all the loose ends he needed to tie up were tied.

You had been trying to offset your nerves by throwing yourself into your own work. Kylo was coming home with you for Christmas. You didn't know why exactly but something about this holiday and him wanting to spend it with you made things feel different for the two of you. Solid, strong. You were also nervous about him meeting your mom and seeing where you grew up. You didn't grow up wealthy. By any means. Unlike Kylo who had been well-bred from the start. Your childhood home was small, with enough room for the four of you but equally empty feeling after your father passed. You'd talked about Kylo with your mom briefly on several occasions and you always knew she wanted to know more. When you told her he'd be coming for Christmas, you could hear the anticipation and mischief in her voice.

Kylo had offered up his private jet again to make the travels more comfortable and not a hassle. Poe, Rey, and Finn couldn't be more excited. They raved about the jet the last time they were on it. Getting the comfy seats and the endless drinks and snacks. When you had told them you'd all be taking the jet again, it was obvious they had been hoping for this news all week. It was also nice to know they were excited that Kylo was coming along too. All of them had gotten closer to Kylo since he started coming around with you more often. You couldn't be happier that they accepted him and that he accepted them. You knew he was gradually letting his guard down and becoming more comfortable with them each time he spent time with them. It warmed your heart that he was starting to love your family as much as you do.

As you and Kylo stood over your suitcases, packing, you couldn't help the array of nerves and excitement from washing over you. So much so, that you didn't even hear Kylo's question.

"Kitten?" He asked again, this time shaking your shoulder slightly. Your cheeks heated up as you realized you'd spaced out.

"I'm sorry," you huffed out a laugh before turning to him in a gesture for him to continue.

"Anything else I should know of before I close my suitcase up? Any surprises I might need to dress for?" He smirks as you nudge his arm playfully.

"I think what you packed will be just fine. Just make sure you have warm stuff. I think it's supposed to snow."

His eyebrow lifts as he turns to go back into his closet. He pulls out a pair of boots and throws them in his suitcase.

"Perfect!" You smile and double-check your own suitcase to make sure you have everything you need. You started fidgeting with some of your clothes as the thoughts came flooding in.

Would he hate everything about this trip? Would he be embarrassed to be seen with you after knowing how you grew up? Would he change his mind about everything after learning more about you?

You felt Kylo's hands wrap around you from behind as if he sensed your thoughts.

"Everything is going to be perfect. I already know this is going to be the best Christmas I'll spend since I was a young kid."

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