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Your last night with Kylo was unexpected, to say the least. You certainly weren't expecting to see him show up at your favorite take-out place right near your own apartment. But even more so, you weren't planning on going back to his penthouse that night.

That night was the first time you had seen him without a shirt. You weren't sure if he had meant for you to see it but by the time you had, it was too late for him to cover it up again. You could feel your heart break into a million little pieces when you saw the deep scars that scattered his back. You knew Kylo Ren was a broken man but you couldn't fathom the amount of pain he must have endured to have such scars. You had resisted the urge to just pull him close to you and hold him. He had gotten upset when he caught you staring with tears in your eyes. He got even more upset when you tried to ask him about what happened to him. It was hard for you to see how much he's been hurt in the past, it only made your heart ache for him more, wanting to show him and give him the love he didn't seem to think he deserved.

And then you had stayed the night for the second time, not remembering when you fell asleep but waking up on the couch to an empty penthouse. Kylo was gone. This time there was no text, no note, just Elliot waiting for you in the lobby to take you home.

But that was five days ago and now you were getting ready to have your family for Thursday dinner. You hadn't heard from Kylo since. It didn't surprise you as he had gone radio silent before but there was some fear in the back of your mind that maybe it was all over and the thought of that made you sick. You knew you shouldn't even be feeling this way, that you shouldn't care, but after the night you had with him, you only cared more. It had been torture the past five days more so than it ever has. You just wished he would show you some sign that he was alive. But you quickly tried to push those thoughts aside because tonight you were going to have some much needed "catch-up" time with your little family.

Rey and Finn arrived together as you and Poe were putting the finishing touches on your meal. You all sat down at the table discussing your week as you cleaned your plates. You found out that after Rey's audition went incredibly well, she was offered a role in a television show that was being filmed right in the city. You were ecstatic for her, it was a great opportunity and you were glad that she would still be close. Both Poe and Finn had been incredibly busy at school and managing internships on top of it. After celebrating Rey's acting gig, there was a lot of ranting about their internship experiences.

"I'm just tired of having to get coffee every day, I was thinking I would be doing something a little bit more important than that," Poe said and Finn noddingly agreed.

"Well, that's how I started, and look where it got me," you said enthusiastically. "It sucks but it looks great on a resume no matter what you do there."

"Yea miss big shot over here is so essential they're taking her on a vacation to Boston," Rey said winking at you.

"It's technically not a vacation if it's for work, but it'll be nice to get out of New York for a while," you said, shrugging.

You had told them about what happened with Kylo of course but, it was a quick conversation. You honestly just wanted to move on from it and listen to more important things like what was happening in your friend's lives. But you could see they all understood why you needed a break from NY.

They smiled at you, excited about your upcoming adventure and you couldn't help but be excited too. You had never been to Boston before and this was a huge opportunity for you. Entrepreneur Magazine wanted a 3-page story on a businesswoman based in Boston for their next issue and they chose you to be the photographer for the piece. You really hoped that this opportunity could lead you to even better things.

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