Language of Love

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a/n: Warning-This chapter contains sexual activity that is on the rougher side including some wax play. If this is triggering for you or it is something you are uncomfortable with, please DO NOT READ. If you have any questions about it or would like to understand the context further, feel free to reach out to me.





It had felt good to have a girl's weekend with Rey. You had needed it. You never got to see each other enough regularly, and a little out-of-state getaway was just what the doctor ordered. You had gotten a cozy cabin and spent some time catching up, playing games, and going to the local town for drinks and shopping. It was perfect. But you missed him. Every single second of being away from him was like breathing without air. You could do it but you still felt the absence of his presence. You found your mind wandering to him often. Thinking about what he was up to or if he would like to be doing certain things with you or with his...hands.

So, when you finally arrived home and saw him racing down the stairs to meet you, you couldn't help but jump into his arms and smile at the feel of his hands holding you tight. You knew at that moment you wanted to spend every second of this week together, whether he liked it or not. You started giggling in his arms, thinking about how you'd say that to him.

"What's so funny, kitten?" You felt his deep voice vibrate before you lifted your head to look at him. His smile was soft but it reached his eyes. They sparkled as they looked deeply into yours, making your heart pound against your chest.

"Just thinking about your reaction when I tell you that we'll be spending every free second we have together...this week and there's nothing you can do about it," you said with a smug look on your face. You hoped he hadn't noticed how you fumbled over your words. Everything in your heart and your head told you that you wanted to spend every second of every day with Kylo. But you weren't sure if he was ready for that. You knew he felt strongly for you, but he still hadn't voiced that three-word phrase. He was still hesitant, still fearful that you would slip from his fingers, and he was protecting himself. You wanted to give him time, you knew you wanted to be with him, and not being with him was maddening. He showed how much he loved you in other ways. But you couldn't help but feel how your heart yearned to hear him say those words.

You felt his eyes on you, studying your features as your brain turned over and over with your thoughts. The heat of his gaze pulled you from them and you sighed. "I just...missed you."

He chuckled, setting you down and waiting for your feet to stabilize on the floor before he moved his hands from your hips to cup your face. "You have me, kitten. I missed you too."

Before either of you could say another word his lips pressed tenderly to yours, holding your face in his hands like it was the most fragile thing in the world. This man. Your man. The Kylo Ren you had met those years ago had been rough, cold, and at times, harsh. You were so proud of the man he had grown into.

Your fingers found purchase in his hair, the soft waves feeling nothing short of perfect. Your body pressed flush against his chest and he let one of his hands fall from your face so he could wrap an arm around your back and push you into him deeper. You moaned at the feeling of his hard body melting into your soft curves and you opened your mouth for him. He took the opportunity to find your tongue with his own and once you got a taste of him your hips started to move, your center grinding against him. You were a woman starved and he wasn't denying you of that hunger. His hand gripped your ass, urging you to hop onto him. You jumped, your legs wrapped around his waist without your mouths ever leaving one another. He walked with you and then carried you up the stairs with ease. There was a time you'd never thought this would be possible. For a man to lift you into his arms and carry you. You'd been hesitant the first couple of times Kylo had tried and it had confused him. When he asked about it you tried to brush it off as nothing but he saw deeper. He always did. When you said you were afraid you'd be too heavy, that he wouldn't be able to lift you, he just looked at you. You were nervous about what his silence had meant until you saw a hint of something new in his eyes. Determination. He lifted you with ease and held you tight against him, silencing any doubt you might have had about his ability to do this. You had smiled so big that day because for once in your life you felt...normal. Like you could have what everybody else had and it was because you had found someone who thought you were beautiful and who was determined to quiet your worries.

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