Chapter 17💞

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Nia' s POV

I stare at Jin for a while and that's when I receive a message from mama bear.

🐾🐻Mama bear : are u coming home or I shall come there and burn that Rio's house
                               down and bring u home .    
Me : mianhe mumma . I'm coming .

Then without saying or asking anything I leave the house .

............................................................THE NEXT DAY ................................................................

Third Person's POV

Last night Nia came home at about 10:00pm . Alia and Dia were a bit angry on her but didn't say a thing .

Things were getting worse day by day . It seemed like that their friendship is fading because of Rio .

Last night Alia and Dia slept a bit late at about 1:00am . They had been reviewing on the things that has happened till now . Of course they were upset because Nia was spending most of her time with Rio . Nia has changed a lot . A girl who was cared of driving at night and was scared of boys , is now talking to a stranger and caring for him .

Today is Nia's second day of suspension and she is of course at home . Dia and Alia had already left for school . By now they might in their class having their lessons cause it's about 9:00 am . They were a bit tired but still went to school cause they didn't want to get absent , it's has just been a few days since they had started schooling here so they went to school .

Nia is still sleeping and her phone is ringing continuously . It was Rio who was calling her but she is too sleepy to hear her phone ringing .

Time skipped

Rio was fed up of calling Nia so he came to Nia's house . Upon reaching he sees that Nia is sleeping . He wanted to wake her up beause it was 11:00am now but she was looking so cute that he didn't wake her up , instead he just looked at her . She was sleeping like a baby . Her knees were up  to her chest , well not really because she has very short legs . Her right was between her legs and her left hand was under her pink fluffy pillow . She was wearing the same thing which she had worn to Rio's house cause it was her sleeping outfit .

Rio sat near Nia and looked at her . He smiled at himself . Looking at Nia had it made him remember the times he had spent with her . The times he had bullied her . The way she whined when he bullied her .

Suddenly Nia stitched her nose and it made Rio give of a soft laugh . Nia being the sensitive one sensed that someone is sitting near her and she also heard someone laugh , which was Rio , of course .

Nia woke up and sat on the bed looking at Rio .

" What are you doing here ?" Asks Nia with concussion and in a frightened tone .

" Mianhe , I didn't want to scare you . I just came to see if you're okay ," says Rio as he stands up and looks at Nia .

" Wh- where is mama bear and eonnie ?" Asks Nia in , worried tone .

" They're at school , I guess so ," answers Rio kindly .

" School ? What time is it ?" Asks Nia rubbing her eyes sleepily .

" Its 11:00am ," says Rio checking the time in his phone .

" What ! 11:00 am ?" Asks Nia .

Nia gets out of the bed and walk for the bathroom door but ends up bumping the wall . Sleepy head . She starts to rub her forehead and gets angry on the wall . Nia hits the wall with her hand and hurts herself . Rio walks to her and takes her hand to it .

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