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She was late

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She was late. She was 20 minutes late. Jungkook was already frustrated due to his team messing up on the dance routine. And now that Y/n is late, this made him even more mad. He lets out a groan of frustration and grabs his bag.

"I'm here!" A voice calls.

Breathing heavily was Y/n. He glares at the chubby girl.

"You're late. I don't tolerate with tardiness."

He spoke to her with a growl.

Y/n huffs.

"I'm sorry. It won't happen again. Please, don't quit on me."

She spoke so child like.

He sighs and sets down his bag.

"Okay. You're off the hook this time. But don't let it happen again, understood?"

He asks sternly pointing at her.

She nods and met him at the main floor. Y/n didn't like when people were mad at her. And since Jungkook is staying extra hours to help her, she felt like she owes him a lot.

She knew she shouldn't have taken that nap with Taehyung. She slept through her alarm and woke up around 7:50. She never left her house so quick.

As she made her drive to the abandoned building, she couldn't help but wonder if he would still be there. She was already 20 minutes late, she was sure he left and didn't stay.

But she was shocked when she pulled up to his car still being there. She was so overwhelmed on how he was going to react to her being late on their second day.

Even when he shot her daggers she wanted to just drop down and cry like a baby. She didn't want him to quit on her. She didn't want him to think that she didn't take this seriously. And worst thing of all, she didn't want him to think she was lazy.

Jungkook watches Y/n stretch, as his muscles are already ready to go. She was currently on the floor stretching her legs. Jungkook couldn't look away.

For a girl her size, she was flexible. He's never really seen someone her size be so passionate about a sport.

He didn't have a problem with her weight, he was just amazed by her love to the sport. He wants to know what she can really do.

"Instead of us working on the routine. I want to watch you freestyle to any three songs of your choice."

He tells her taking a seat on a wooden bench.

𝐖𝐢𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐆𝐮𝐚𝐫𝐝 ❄︎  ʲᵘⁿᵍᵏᵒᵒᵏWhere stories live. Discover now