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The weekend had pass

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The weekend had pass. And as for every weekend, Y/n and Taehyung would've been seen together. Either at the park or at each other's houses.

It's Monday and today makes day 1 of coming up with a solo performance for the winter guard tryouts that are three weeks away. Y/n was so stressed about it. She didn't know what song or what style of dance she should use for her performance.

Y/n walks into her last class of the day, which is Algebra 2 with Coach Willie, and walked to her desk. She sets down her bag on the floor and took out her material.

A bang makes her jump and she looks up and sees Taehyung cackling at his best friend.

Y/n groans and punches her best friend in the arm, "You scared me."

He sits down in the desk beside her keeping his smile on his face.

"I know. That was the point."

She rolls her eyes and set her homework on her desk and took out the book.

The bell rings and the last student rushes in and closes the door behind her.

Class begins.


Y/n puts up her math book as the class comes to an end. As she waits for the bell to ring, there's a tap on her shoulder.

She looks over at her best friend, "Yes?"

He leans in closer to her, "Are we hanging out today after my dance practice?"

She gives him a frown, "Awe, Tae. I won't be able to. I have to get started on my solo performance for winter guard tryouts."

He frowns and leans away from her, "Oh." Was all he said.

Y/n felt bad. She didn't like to say no to her best friend but she had to focus on this.

The bell rings and thinking he would leave without her, he doesn't. He stands and reaches out his hand to her.

He looks at her and gives her a smile. She puts her hand into his and stands up. She couldn't help but laugh when he brought their hands up so they wouldn't get hit by the desks.

He pulls her close when the desks were no longer separating them. He wraps his strong arms around her large frame and placed a kiss on her head.

He pulls away and places his hands on her shoulder, "Whatever you come up with I wanna see it."

She smiles, "I'll let you know."

𝐖𝐢𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐆𝐮𝐚𝐫𝐝 ❄︎  ʲᵘⁿᵍᵏᵒᵒᵏWhere stories live. Discover now