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Jungkook and Y/n have been practicing for a week now and they're starting to get on each other's nerves

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Jungkook and Y/n have been practicing for a week now and they're starting to get on each other's nerves. Jungkook was getting frustrated with her because she couldn't get certain moves down. Y/n was getting frustrated with herself also. They were simple moves but her mind and body just couldn't get them.

As they start all over, Y/n was determined to get it down so he can end this practice. At this moment, all she wanted to do was go home and cry.

Things were going great. She was finally getting the hang of it. But all that went crashing when she bumps into Jungkook.


Both teenagers fall to the ground. Jungkook's firm body was half way on Y/n's. She groans at the impact. Jungkook quickly gets off of her and lays on his back beside her as they both breathe heavily.

"That's it! I'm out of here!"

Jungkook grumbles getting up from the floor.

He walks to his stuff and gathers all of his belongings.

Y/n was quick to her feet.

"No. I think I can get it if I just-"

"You won't Y/n! You're head is not in it. I'm not going to waste my time with you."

He cuts her off by giving her a hard glare.

She scoffs.

"I'm not wasting your time! I'm giving you my all, Jungkook!"

She argues storming towards him.

He gives her a hard stare. She's pushing it. And she knew it.

"From what I can see. You can't get it. You're being really lazy with this choreography. So, go find somebody else to help you. I'm done with you!"

He tells her throwing his bag over his shoulder.

She freezes at the mentioned of the word. Y/n's heart ached. Her hands turns into fists beside her.

"What did you just say?" She asks her voice dangerously calm.

Jungkook grumbles, "You heard me loud and clear." Shooting her a hard glare walking away.

"Fine! Leave! I'll do this on my own!"

She yells after him with angry tears rolling down her cheeks. The sound of the door closing made her sink to the floor.

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