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Y/n arrived to the abandoned studio

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Y/n arrived to the abandoned studio. She was 10 minutes early. She grabs her bag and headed towards the large door. She pushes on the door and it opens with ease.

She walks in and sets everything down. She quickly stretches and starts on the dance. She practiced a little before bed last night. She wanted to make sure she actually got it so they can move on with the rest of the song. She plays the song through the speaker and started to dance.

For the first time, she started to feel the music. She was so stressed about learning the choreography, she forgot how she actually learns. She had to feel the music.

Jungkook was running a little late. He arrives to the studio and enters the building. The further he walked the more louder the music could be heard. He stops in his tracks in awe of the (s/c) chubby girl. She finally got it.

He watches every move that she made and she was doing perfect. He couldn't help but admire her. He was always fond of the girl. He would only watch her, as she would perform on the field with her flag and rifle. She was so graceful with it. Everything she did with this sport was just amazing to him.

As Y/n finishes the first half of the dance for the fourth time, she falls to the floor of pure exhaustion. Her chest rises heavily trying to get air back into her lungs. She hears footsteps approaching her. She looks over and sits up.

"Sorry. I didn't know you were here."

She says to the Korean boy wiping away some sweat from her forehead.

He sits on the floor in front of her. She takes in a deep breaths and lets them out slowly. She couldn't help but lay back down. She was tired. She over did it but she wanted to perfect it so they can move on.

She cover her eyes with her arm to block out the lights.

"We can move on with the rest of the song. I got the first half down."

She says still blocking her eyes.


He simply says.

Five minutes have passed of complete silence, Y/n sits up and sighs.

She looks at the Korean boy in the eyes and said,

"Let's do this."


After many hours of practice, they finally completed the dance. Breathing heavily, Y/n looks at the young man.

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