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Jungkook and Y/n have been practicing for a total of two weeks together

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Jungkook and Y/n have been practicing for a total of two weeks together. Y/n is getting more confident with the dance where she can start with her flag and rifle work.

She has one more week and a half before tryouts. She wants to make sure this is perfect. Jungkook leaves her side as she works on her flag. Jungkook was nervous. He only seen the flag be used in the ballet type of dance.

Jungkook has gotten closer to Y/n since their little deli meet up. He's been more open. Showing her more emotion than he should. But he trusts her and she trusts him.

He watches her come up with the flag work and so far it looks really good. He couldn't help but just be in awe of her again. The hip hop dance and her flag work really went well together. After watching her practice the same moves for an hour, he gets up and starts to pack up.

It's almost midnight and he knows she's tired. He turns off the speaker and she looks at him with pure confusion,

"Hey I'm still practicing."

She says waving her flag.

He shakes his head and walked towards her, "Not anymore. It's late. We need to get home. We have school tomorrow."

He tells her grabbing the flag from her.

She sighs in defeat.


She says grabbing the flag from him.

She walks pass him and went to her stuff. She grabs her phone, bag, and keys. She makes her way to the exit but a hand is wrapped around her wrist.

She looks at the hand and her eyes traveled up to brown irises looking back at her.

"Yes?" She asks as she looks at him.

He clears his throat and lets go of her wrist.

"I wanted to see if you were hungry. I know a place thats 24 hours here." He tells her bring his hands behind his back.

As if on cue, her stomach growls. She looks down at her stomach and shushes it.

"You were supposed to be on my side."

She glares at her stomach.

Jungkook couldn't help but smile at her. She looks up at the boy and nods,

"I could eat. Want me to follow you?"

She asks pointing at him.

𝐖𝐢𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐆𝐮𝐚𝐫𝐝 ❄︎  ʲᵘⁿᵍᵏᵒᵒᵏWhere stories live. Discover now