Chapter Twenty

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Todoroki's coarse, morning voice drawls out and being drowned out in the sound of pounding on the door. You let out a groan, your eyes still closed, but you don't want to move from Todoroki because of the soothing warmth he's providing with his body and the bed, too. However, the pounding on the door is consistent and it's especially loud since it sounds like more than just one person pounding on the door.

You let out a groan of complaint when Todoroki's arms slithered away from your waist and you opened your eyes. You lifted your head, turning it to the side to see Todoroki lying on his back with one of his arms covering his face. You flopped your head back onto the pillow, staring at the door where the knocking and the pounding is happening and your eyes narrowing at the door sharply.

'It could be Bakugou,' you thought, removing from your body as you push to sit up.

"Once I can stand on my feet, I'm going to drop kick whoever is pounding on the door," Todoroki said groggily.

You snickered, glancing over your shoulder to see him use your pillow to cover his ears and you approach the door. You pressed a button on the panel to the side and open the doors. Your eyes widen at the sight of Kirishima, Kaminari, Ashido, and Yamada standing there and Kirishima held his fist up in the motion of going to knock once more. You were expecting Bakugou, not any of them to stand before you and you could feel your gut sink at their desperate and worried expressions.

"What's going on--"

"It's Hakamada, Hatsume, and Sero!" Ashido exclaimed.

You blinked in confusion, your eyes darting to their faces. "What?"

Yamada stepped forward, "They're terribly ill."

"Ill?" You repeated.

You heard snuffling behind you and the noise of soft thumping, that you're assuming Todoroki had gotten himself out of bed and hurried over. When you felt a hand on your shoulder, your assumptions were correct because from the corner of your eye you can see him standing there and gazing at the others. The sleepiness had left both of you, leaving dread and concern to rise in both of you at the possible thought of the others being ill.

"Where are they right now?" You asked.

"Quarantined in their rooms. They can't move and can hardly speak," Yamada informed, a grave expression on his features. "They aren't looking too good, [Last Name]. We aren't sure what's happening to them and we need your help."

"Okay. I'll be there soon," you sighed deeply. You look to Yamada, "Let Aizawa know that I'll be in the infirmary."

Yamada nods his head and he leaves. Kirishima, Kaminari, and Ashido stand there and they're looking so concerned and lost. You  understand why since it's only been a couple of days since Midoriya's funeral and now the base has to worry about an illness that others could potientally catch, too. However, you figured that they could use a little reassurance even if the possible chance could be that all three of them pass away.

You give them a smile. "I'll do whatever I can to make sure they are back to their healthy selves."

"Thank you," Ashido mumbled, nodding her head.

With that, the three of them walk away and you close the door. You turn to Todoroki and put his arm around your shoulders and help him hop back towards the bed. He sits down and you stand in front of him, gazing down at his lap despite zoning out on the information that there's an illness and so far only  three of the remaining crewmates have gotten the illness. You haven't heard of anything about illnesses being caught or aware of on this planet.

A Killer Among Us [Yandere!Hawks x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now