Chapter Twenty-Nine

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"What in your right mind would make you think that I would kill Shouto!" You screamed, tears rushing down your face.

You were finally freed from the conference room, standing in front of those who believed you killed Todoroki. Bakugou and Aizawa stood next to you and escorted you towards the cafeteria. Those sitting at the table together is Ashido, Kirishima, Kaminari, and Amajiki. Takami is standing off to the side, unable to meet your gaze as his arms are crossed on his chest. As soon as you stepped into the cafeteria, your mind went blank and all you could focus on is how they (mainly, Ashido) had treated you. Everything else is no longer important to you.

"Why would, I!" You screamed, jabbing at your chest with a finger as you scowled at them. The tears aren't being held at bay and you cannot hold it in anymore. "Why the FUCK would I hurt him? WHAT MAKES YOU THINK THAT I WOULD HURT SOMEONE I WAS FALLING IN LOVE WITH!"

Your voice echoed throughout the cafeteria. No one said anything and you aren't even sure if someone is going to stop you, too. Aizawa hasn't said anything nor has Bakugou, either. Ashido is avoiding your gaze while Kirishima, Kaminari, and Amajiki are looking down at the ground. No one is able to hold your gaze. No one is able to hold your gaze which holds so much hurt and betrayal from those you had considered friends. No one is able to withstand your gaze that are ablaze with anger, sorrow, and pain.

You pointed outside of the cafeteria, unsure of where Yamada's body is. "His death proves that I am innocent! I have no fucking reason to someone that I care about. THE ONLY FUCKING PERSON THAT BELIEVED ME WAS BAKUGOU! Not even the guy who was trying to get into my pants seemed to believe me."

At the sight of seeing Takami's body tense up made you feel good, a powerful kind of good. However, you're not backing down from what you're gonna say. You're gonna say it with your fucking chest because you cannot hold these emotions and thoughts in your head. You need to say it for yourself.

You moved your powerful gaze to Ashido. "I am sorry that I couldn't save Sero, Hatsume, and Hakamada, but that doesn't mean you're allowed to treat me like shit. That doesn't give you the fucking excuse to take your anger out on me when I did everything in power to save them. You were not under the pressure to save some crewmates so get off my fucking ass about it." Ashido opened her mouth, but you weren't about to listen to what she had to say. "Shut the fuck up! Do you know what it's like to have the lack of information about illness and diseases on this fucking planet? A planet that we're still fucking learning and discovering!"


"The only person that believed me is Bakugou," you hissed, glaring at each one of them. "Fuck ALL of you!"

  "Okay, that's enough, feisty pants."

Bakugou wrapped one arm around your waist and picked you up, having your back face the others. You breathed in and exhaled deeply, calming yourself down from your outburst that was very much needed. The silence was loud, feeling like the others can hear how fast your heart is beating. You didn't want them to know how loud your heart is beating nor how that outburst had given you the slightest bit of adrenaline.

"If you don't mind me asking, [Last Name]," Kirishima spoke up, breaking the silence. "Then how is it positive there's footage of you going into the kitchen and returning to your room?"

You turned around, "That, I'm not sure. But it's possible someone could have messed with the footages and tampered with it."

"If that's the case, then someone here is the possible killer," Kaminari said, glancing around fearfully.

You glanced at Bakugou, knowing that you can trust him. He's the only one you can trust at the moment since he wanted to prove your innocence and he came to you about someone killing crewmates, too. There's no way he could be the killer. As for the others, you can't really speak much for them because none of them believed you or just talked badly about you or even just stood by while everything was happening.

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