Chapter Twenty-Eight

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It's been a full day since Uraraka had committed suicide and you've been in the conference room since. A total of three days since you've been in the conference room. No reports from the higher ups yet and the only reason you know is because Aizawa hasn't came into the conference room to tell you. And you haven't heard anything from Bakugou about him finding evidence to prove that you didn't kill Todoroki.

At this point, you're debating whether or not if you should give up since Bakugou hasn't found anything yet. You aren't sure what else could possibly prove that you're innocent since the one thing you had relied on was the camera footage. You know that you wouldn't kill Todoroki, even under extreme stress. It's not in your nature, but the only person who believes you is Bakugou. It's saddening that no one else will believe you.

If only Todoroki was alive.

If only he was.

If he was, he would stick up for you. He would have been the one to prove your innocence, but how can he if you're the one who 'killed' him. If only you were able to see the true killer and then you would be able to give the details to Aizawa. It's frustrating and there's nothing you can do to release that frustration other than probably yelling, screaming, or punching something.

Though punching something does sound pleasing, even screaming your lungs out sounds pleasant, too. However, you aren't sure whose sitting outside the door and you're hoping it's not Takami. You wouldn't want to seem more insane to someone else who doesn't believe you. It'll only prove their point that you did kill Todoroki.

Running your hands through your hair, you decide to change the topic because it's only making you frustrated more. You ponder if they had already had a service for Uraraka. Ashido crying with Kaminari while Kirishima possibly comforting the both of them. You're curious to see how Amajiki is doing since it's been a while since you've talked to him.

Did he ever get in contact with Mirio? Is he worried about that? Is his anxiety rising or did it possibly get worse? You're positive the remaining crew wants to return to the main crew with Endeavor, but if the higher ups decide to kill you off, the remaining crew could possibly decide to leave you on this planet. You wouldn't be able to survive, probably be killed the first day on your own.

Not even Bakugou would stay with you.

Takami wouldn't either because he also believes you're the killer.

At this point, it's just a matter of time until the final decision.

The door opens and your head props up, seeing Bakugou walk through the door. You let out a sigh of relief, grateful to see Bakugou's face since it only provides you a sense of relief that you're still in the clear for right now. He sits down across from you and he rubs his face with his hands, letting out a deep sigh.

"We just had Uraraka's service," Bakugou informed, rubbing his face. "Not the best, but it's unfortunate." He looks into his eyes, his red orbs boring into yours as his expression is serious. "I still don't believe she killed herself. Committing suicide is just not Round Face's thing nor is depression. That woman was just annoying with her happy-go attitude."

You shrugged your shoulders. "You never know. Depression can change a person's behavior and their actions. She did lose the love of her life who she planned on marrying. Depression can kill, it's nothing to take light heartedly."

"And?" Bakugou questioned, raising a challenging eyebrow. "The man you had come to love is dead and you haven't tried killing yourself. You're not being supervised in here, your supervision is always standing outside so why haven't you killed yourself?"

"Because I won't give up so easily," you stated, glaring at him. The image of Todoroki's dead body is plastered in your mind and tears sting your eyes. "I didn't kill him. I want to prove to everyone that I didn't kill him. I want to get back at whoever killed Shouto. And besides, I'm not going to let depression win this battle. I will be the one to keep surviving because that's what I know best."

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