Chapter Fifteen

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You opened your eyes, blinking a few times as your eyes adjust to the room in the tent. You looked around, noticing that Todoroki isn't resting in the room and you remember falling asleep in his arms after everyone ate dinner. You wonder where he is or rather, how long did you sleep for? You felt exhausted last night and you feel much better now, but how long did Todoroki let you sleep in for?

You walk out of the tent, seeing no one outside or near the fire that's burning and crackling the wood, the orange and red flames licking along the logs in the pit. There's only one Hoover left, meaning that Bakugou, Takami, and Aizawa had headed for the snow and will be staying there for about one night and return back to this secure point. You felt a little better knowing that you won't have to deal with Takami because he makes you so flustered and you feel like you can breathe and act normal without him being here.


You turn around to see Todoroki in the doorway of the tent, rubbing a hand through his hair and you give him a smile. You walk towards him, wrapping your arms around his waist and he pressed a gentle kiss on your lips. You hummed, resting your head on his chest and listening to his heart beat when his arms wrap around you, hugging you tightly.

"You'd you sleep?" Todoroki asked.

"I slept good," you answered. You looked up, your chin resting on his chest and he gives you a soft smile. "When did Takami and them leave?"

"At the first sign of morning," Todoroki replied. He signals with the cock of his head to the tent. "Midoriya is asleep right now and I'm in charge of keeping in contact with them. You should go wake him up while I heat up the food from last night."

"Okay," you said.

You and Todoroki share another kiss, him walking out of the tent with you going inside of the tent. You stopped in front of a room with the flap unzipped and you stepped inside. You see Midoriya leaning against the wall with his arms crossed on his chest, his eyes closed and his head hanging forward a little bit. He has one knee propped up and the other one stretched out, his shoulders rising and falling gently as he's in a deep slumber. You smiled at the adorable sight of a sleeping Midoriya.

The room in the tent is just like the others, the floor, ceiling, and walls are all the same light grey colored. Only difference is that there's a table and a chair with a bunch of gadgets that you can barely recognize or even know on the table. You figured the black box with the knobs and an antenna sticking out from the black box with a little walkie-talkie attached to the box as well. You wondered what the other gadgets are for.

Walking towards Midoriya, you crouch down beside him and place a hand on his shoulder. You gently shake the man awake, "Midoriya. Wake up." He lets out a quiet groan. "Wake up, Midoriya. You should probably go take a bath in the river. You stick."

Midoriya chuckles lightly, opening one eye. "That's mean to say."

"It's true," you laughed, standing up.

Midoriya pushes himself to stand up and he stretches his hands above his head. You cringe when you heard the cracking noise of his bones when he twisted his torso and he gives you a kind smile, walking towards the door. You follow behind him, your hands behind your back and the two of you step out of the spacious and large tent, seeing Todoroki near the firepit.

"I'll heat the food," Midoriya offered, walking over. "Let [Last Name] look at your wound."

Todoroki nods his head. You walk over to him and sit down on the grass while he sits on the logs and you grab his injured leg. Midoriya heats the food like he said he would, slowly stirring the chicken in the pot and his eyes occasionally flickering to you and Todoroki. You rolled up his pant leg, removing the bandages slowly after hearing let out a hiss of pain.

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