Chapter Twenty-Five

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It's been a week since Sero, Hatsume, and Hakamada had died from the parasite and the burning of their bodies. During the week, you haven't left the room that you're sharing with Todoroki, too. You didn't leave to get food, to socialize, or even change your scenery for a bit, too. Todoroki had left to get food, being able to walk on his feet with a slight cramp in his leg and able to come back to his room with a plate of whatever was serving in the cafeteria. You didn't eat even when Todoroki would ask you, you still wouldn't eat. You didn't have the stomach to eat anything at all.

Since Todoroki is back on his legs, he's slowly getting back into his training. Not the excessive and hardcore training, but light training to warm up his body and muscles so he wouldn't tear anything or hurt himself when he's exercising. He had also informed you that there was a sighting of the creature that had snuck on the base those months ago and so him, Takami, Aizawa, and Bakugou are patrolling more often to look for the creature and possibly catch it.

Sometimes, Bakugou would stop by along with Kirishima to see how you're doing, but you wouldn't smile at them. You'd hold a small conversation with them, Bakugou bringing in his DVD player to watch movies with the TV in Todoroki's room. Although, there's no channels on the TV, only purpose for the TV is to use the DVD player and whatever movies or CDs that Todoroki brought with him. So, about once a day, Bakugou and Kirishima would come to Todoroki's room to watch a movie that Bakugou had brought from earth to watch.

You didn't mind. Watching movies had taken your mind off the overwhelming death that occurred in the base, the disappointment and anger from the crewmates, and your negative mind. It was a good refresher that everything will get better, but you still know that it won't possibly be the same especially since a few crewmates are upset with you.

There hasn't been any news regarding the approval of the higher ups to leave the planet nor any information regarding the contact from Enji's team. Although Todoroki had explained that since they're farther away, it'll be difficult to contact them immediately so it's gonna take some time to finally reach contact from them. You aren't that worried about the contacting process, you just need to focus on yourself so you can improve and get better.

Aside from all that, you aren't sure what's going on with the crewmates besides Bakugou, Kirishima, and Todoroki. You're aware that Uraraka and Ashido aren't very happy or friendly towards you and you're positive they still feel that way towards you. You aren't sure how Kaminari feels towards you, but him and Kirishima are still working on keeping the electricity running in the base. Aizawa must be busy with the tasks he had given himself like patrolling, training, and even trying to handle communicator. Yamada is helping him, too and probably keeping up with the maintenance of the base, even joining the patrols. You aren't sure about Amajiki, though. Even Takami since he's helping with navigation, too.

You stepped out of the shower, wrapping a towel around your body and you start to brush your teeth. Once you were done, you stared at yourself in the mirror, noticing the dark bags underneath your eyes and the loss of weight you've gotten. You haven't been able to sleep because you have nightmares or a hard time trying to sleep, so you end up getting a small amount of sleep which sucks on your part. There's not much you can really do other than try to take care of yourself, but you can't.

Most of the time, you barely left the bed even when Bakugou and Kirishima would come over to watch movies. You'd only get out of bed to shower and somewhat freshen up so you're not stinking up Todoroki's room even though he said he wouldn't mind. You're grateful to him, especially at night when he'd hold you close and comfort you when you'd wake up from a nightmare. You felt bad for keeping him up after you awoke from a nightmare.


At the sound of Todoroki's voice, you stepped out the bathroom with the towel around your waist and see him standing in his room. He's holding a white container in his hands and smiling at you, sweat glistening from his face and breathing heavily. He must have finished his training or he's still training, but he stopped by the cafeteria.

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