Chapter Six

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You sit on Takami's bed, holding your knees to your chest as there's just complete silence. Takami is in the room too, his room obviously, however, he's sitting on the single seat sofa on the opposite side of the wall with a small, wooden table between the set of single seat sofas. His room is much larger than your own, probably because he's both a fighter and explorer or simply because he arrived here at the base first. Whichever reason, you could really careless.

That creature is probably still focused on fighting the Ligneous Gargantuan, but you aren't sure. The creature stopped pounding on the barriers and you aren't sure how everyone else is doing. Takami is quiet, just staring at the floor or occasionally at the side. You would figure that Takami would be with Aizawa and running around the base to make sure that everything is in check and running well. You're curious as to why Takami isn't leaving to go help.

"You're quiet," you voiced, your gaze locking with his. "Is something wrong?"

"Oh, I'm just thinking," Takami replied, a smile easily tugging on his lips. He lets out a sigh, stretching his arms above his head. "How are you holding up?"

He pushes himself to stand up, approaching his bed that you're sitting on and he sits down next to you. Close enough to have your shoulders touching and causing your heart to hammer in your chest. You looked down at your hands, thinking about his question and trying not to think about how close he is to you.

How are you doing?

You're not grieving anymore, or rather, you pushed down those feelings so you wouldn't focus on them and rather focus on everyone else. You've been scared shitless many times with the Ligneous Gargantuan, the vent cover falling, and now the creature outside of the particle barrier. You're going to go on an exploration mission with no training to protect yourself. You never took it into account of how dangerous being on another planet can be. Or how scary, too.

"Not... the best," you confessed, letting out a sigh. "I'm terrified, Takami. First a crew mate is killed, then I have to join you and the others on the exploration mission, something's on the base, and finally something is attacking the base!" You let out a bitter laugh, shaking your head. "I don't know what to do. Oh, I have to be in someone else's room until Midoriya and them find the thing that had gotten on board with us. The thing tried getting into my room."

"What you can do," Takami started, placing his hand on top of your intertwined ones. "Is continue to be the doctor and the therapist, but also focus on your own health. You don't have to be in fear if you're with me because you're safe by my side." You lift your head to gaze at him, seeing the soft smile on his lips. "I won't let anything happen to you. Trust me."

'Trust me.'

You had nothing to really lose with trusting Takami. He's socialized with you. He's shown his affection. He's kissed you on the forehead. He's offered to teach you self-defense. He's made you laugh. You've had lunch with him, tended to his injuries, and even joked with him, too. You haven't seen him fight, but from what you've heard from Kirishima, you believe that Takami is capable of protecting you. He's skilled and intelligent. You don't see a problem with really trusting him.

He's saved your ass twice.

You nodded your head. "Okay."

The biggest smile makes its way onto his lips, leaning forward and your heart jumped in your chest. He rests his forehead against yours, his eyes closed and you a bit taken back. His hands cup your face, letting out a happy laugh and you had thought he was going to kiss you.

You smiled at his happiness, your chest swelling at the happy Takami in front of you. You haven't seen him so happy or excited, although he normally smiles and laughs, but you've never seen him so over the moon at you agreeing to trust him. You're glad to see him smiling so wide that his cheeks probably hurt, but you're curious as why your trust to him would make him so delighted. You'll ask another time.

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