Chapter Three

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"You actually showed up," Todoroki said.

You smiled at him, nodding your head.

You stand in the training grounds within the base, the room being enormous with two large doors that lead to the outside with another door leading to a closet and the final door leading to the training room. You could see Midoriya roaming in the closet with Kirishima and Bakugou sparing each other with Aizawa stretching in a corner. Takami isn't in the room even though most of the explorers have to train their bodies and stick to their routines.

The room has the bright lights above them with a shiny, white floor with a red spot in the middle to sort of represent the colors of Japan. There's no windows within the training room with just pastel grey walls and a basketball hoop on the far end of the training room in case people want to play a sport. Although, there's air condition if to cool off those inside and especially when it's a hot day. Although, you're grateful that the training room doesn't smell like sweat.

"Are you here to observe?" Todoroki asked.

The young adult approaches you with sweat glistening on his features. He has a hair band around his head to keep his red and white strands away from his face and to keep it from sticking to his face, too. He doesn't have a shirt on, somewhere abandon on the floor just like Kirishima and Bakugou also don't have their shirts on. Todoroki has the simple, black pants he's wearing and you're doing best not to start at him.

"If that's okay with you," you said. Your eyes flicker over to Midoriya whose holding wooden swords. "Are you going to spar with Midoriya?"

Todoroki glanced over at the said man walking towards you and him. "Yeah. Just the simple weapon combat and then we're moving onto hand-to-hand combat. Will you have enough supplies for the exploration mission?"

"Hopefully," you sighed. "If not, then there's a shipment coming soon."

"Are you ready Todoroki?" Midoriya questioned, holding out one of the wooden swords.

Todoroki nods his head, taking the weapon and you went to lean against the wall closest to the exit doors in case you need to leave the training room. Midoriya and Todoroki step away, both of them chatting together and you smile at their friendship. Your eyes drifted over to Bakugou and Kirishima, seeing the former dodge a punch from the latter and quickly landing a swift punch to Kirishima's stomach. He doubles over, holding his stomach and Bakugou stands at his full height with his arms crossed on his chest.

You turned your attention to Midoriya and Todoroki, watching them spar with each other. However, you realize that you could never spar with Todoroki or possibly Midoriya with how fast and skilled they are. They're on a level that you couldn't possibly reach or possibly achieve. They're too skilled just like Bakugou and Kirishima even though the former seems to outmatch Kirishima. You couldn't possibly think of reaching their skill before the month ends for the exploration mission. You don't even think you'd be ready for the mission either.

You let out a defeated sigh, making your way to the exit as you held yourself. You haven't been one to really hold your ground physically because you've never gotten into physical fights nor had you really needed to defend yourself really. There's no way you could be as skilled as the explorers.

"Wait! [Last Name]!"

You turned around to see Todoroki jogging over to you and you give him a tight smile. He's breathing heavily as he's standing in front of you, sweat on his face and his body. Your eyes lowered to the wooden sword in his hand and your gaze flickered back to his own.

"Are you leaving so soon?" He asked.

You shook your head. "I couldn't possibly do this, Todoroki. I'm not good at fighting nor could I match your pace, too. I couldn't possibly be good enough not to be a burden to you on the exploration mission."

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