Chapter Eleven

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You make it to the cafeteria, no one in the cafeteria because mostly everyone is doing their tasks or anything related to it. You grabbed a salad and chicken soup for Bakugou, having the soup in your arms with the salad on top and you could feel the warmth emitting from the container the soup is in and seeping into your clothing.

You stopped short, seeing Takami standing in the cafeteria with his arms crossed on his chest. He's sitting on a table, his gaze was focused out the window, but his golden eyes slowly move towards you and he pushes himself off the table. You pulled your lips into a thin line, prepared to listen to what Takami has to say.

"Takami?" You voiced, raising an eyebrow.

He pushes himself off the table, approaching you until he stands directly in front of you. His hands are to his side and you noticed his right hand twitch. You pulled your lips into a thin line as you stared into his golden eyes and there's an emotion swirling in them that you can't quite read.

"So," Takami started, his gaze flickering to the food in your arms, but quickly going back up to your eyes. "Are you still going to stay by my side for the mission?"

You let out a sigh, smiling tightly at him. "Sure, but Todoroki has been teaching me self-defense. Besides, Hatsume's giving me equipment for the exploration, too. I don't want to be a burden for you or the others during the mission. I don't want to get in your way."

Takami steps closer to you, his hands settling on your upper arms as you could feel his breath fan your face and your heart jumps in your throat. There's a sincere expression on his handsome features, a soft gaze in his eyes. "You were never a burden to me and will never be. Even if you didn't do the training with Todoroki, I will still protect you."

You genuinely smile at him, a bit better. "Thank you, Takami. I'll still do my best to stay out of your way and the others' way, too."

He nods his head. "Okay." He removes his his hands from your arms, taking the food in your arms despite you telling him that you'll carry it. He lets out a laugh, "How's the kid doing?"

"He's hungry," you answered, the two of you walking out the cafeteria. "I figured that he should eat something light while he's at the medical bay until he's able to work out. He should be in a better condition before the exploration mission."

"How was it sleeping in his room?" He asked.

You smiled. "It was fine. Kirishima sleeps in his room, too, but he snores. I don't mind the snoring, but apparently Bakugou doesn't like it and he threw a pillow at Kirishima and he stopped snoring. The only way to stop Kirishima from snoring is to cover his face with a pillow."

"Like suffocation?" Takami questioned.

"No, just leave the pillow on his head and he stops snoring," you laughed. "Bakugou has a couch in his room so Kirishima slept on it while I had Bakugou's bed. I'm thinking about replacing Bakugou's mattress with mine because his is more comfortable."

"I think that might put him in an anger frenzy," Takami chuckled.

You two joked, smiles on your faces as you make it to the medical bay. When you were about to walk in, Takami handed you back the food and he left, saying that he's been put on the duty of finding the creature that's still on the base. You didn't mind, giving him a smile and a wave of your hand as he walks away and waving at you, too.


It is now the time for the exploration mission.

The past week and couple of days, you've been practicing with Todoroki in self defense and you've improved which you're proud about. You still get beat by Todoroki though, but it's all good because he's skilled and had years of training while you've had a week and a couple of days. You know the basics to fight with a hunting knife, twirling it in your hand and flipping the blade, catching it by the handle is the cool trick you learned when you weren't practicing with Todoroki.

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