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Jesse's POV

It's the next day now and I actually went home last night and tried to get some sleep. I didn't get much of it though because I was up worried about Demi. I had the next day off so I woke up pretty early, took a shower and then left to the hospital. I walked to her room and I hesitantly open her door hoping no one else would be in there. Luckily no one was so I walked in further and grabbed her file at the end of her bed to check for any updates. It was the same as I left last night so I put it back and then checked her monitors and vitals. I then sit down and grabbed Demi's hand.

"You need to wake up Demi. Bella needs her mom, your family needs their daughter and sister. And I need. I just need you to wake up." I whisper as a tear falls down my cheek. "I never got a chance to apologize. I'm so sorry Demi. I will never forgive myself for hurting you." I then say. Just then the door opens so I let go of her hand and stand up quickly as I pretend to look at her monitors. I then turn to see Bella and Dianna. "I was checking her vitals. I'll leave you all alone." I say quietly before walking out of the room. I went down to the cafeteria to get some food and coffee because I really haven't been eating much and I knew I needed something in my system.

Demi's POV

It seemed like I was having a bad dream that lasted a lifetime when my eyes finally opened and all I saw was bright white walls and pain and aches were all over my body. I let out a small groan and that's when I see my daughters worried but also relieved face as well as my mom. I try to sit up but my mom pushes me back.

"What happened." I croak out but that's when I realize how much my throat hurts.

"Here, drink some water. Bella go get the doctor." My mom says as she brings a cup of water to me and I take a small sip as the cool liquid slides down my throat. A doctor then walks in and they move my bed up so I can see everything around me. The doctor asks a million questions and tells me that I was in a bad car accident. He then checks my vitals before finally leaving.

"How long have I been out?" I ask after several minutes.

"Five days. You had us all worried." My mom answers and I nod as I try to turn, but I get a sharp pain in my side causing me to flinch and take in a sharp breath.

"Be careful honey. You have stitches all over your body." My mom says and I sigh.

"Is Sirah here?" I ask.

"Not yet. She's on her way though." I hear Bella answer and I nod as I discreetly place my hand on my stomach as tears fill my eyes. I blink them away though so they wouldn't ask questions. About thirty minutes later, Sirah comes rushing in with tears in her eyes. I muster up a small smile and she lets out a breath.

"Thank god." I hear her mumble before she walks over and carefully hugs me before asking a million questions also. I'm so over these questions.

"Can I talk to Sirah alone?" I ask my mom and Bella and they nod before standing up and leaving. Once the door is closed, I look up at her again with tears in my eyes.

"The baby didn't make it, did it?" I ask her and bites her lip and shakes her head. I close my eyes as a couple tears fall.

"I didn't even get to tell him." I whimper as I rub my stomach.

"He knows." She whispers and I snap my eyes open.

"What? How?" I ask and she takes a deep breath before sitting down.

"He was here working when you were rushed in. He's been checking on you through other nurses and doctors because your family all found out why you actually broke up and they didn't want him around. I guess he read your file though and saw that you lost the baby." She says and I gulp and take a deep breath.

Two Pieces (Demi Lovato and Jesse Williams)Where stories live. Discover now