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Demi's POV

"Where are you going?" I croak out as I open my eyes to see Jesse getting dressed. I then glance over at the clock and see it's almost five in the morning.

"The hospital." He says and I sigh heavily.

"You have the day off. You were supposed to stay home with Layla today while I go back to work." I say sitting up and glancing over at Layla who is still fast asleep. Today was supposed to be my first day back to work.

"Well I can't now. I have to go." He says and I sigh heavily.

"When will you be back?" I ask and he shrugs as he grabs his keys and phone.

"I don't know." He says before walking out of the room and I take a deep breath as I fall back against the pillows. A couple hours later, I was awake again and getting ready for work while Bella kept an eye on Layla. Jesse still isn't back home, but luckily Johanna doesn't work today so she's coming over and is going to watch Layla for me while I'm at work. Just as I finish getting ready, I hear the doorbell followed by Zoe barking so I walk downstairs and open the door to see Johanna.

"Hey, you're just on time." I say as I give her a quick hug then let her in.

"I'd never be late to see my granddaughter. Or granddaughters." She says and I smile big as my heart warms.

"Well I appreciate you coming over last minute. Jesse was supposed to be here to watch her today, but he had to go to the hospital." I say and she nods.

"My son can be an idiot sometimes." She mumbles and I chuckle softly as we walk into the living room to see Bella holding Layla as she sits on the couch watching tv.

"Hey Bella, Johanna is here so just help her out and show her where everything is." I say and she turns to face us and nods.

"We will be fine Demi. Go to work." Johanna says and I chuckle as I walk over to Bella and kiss her forehead then Layla's.

"I'm sorry, I just haven't left Layla alone yet. I was the same with Bella." I say as I stare down at my two daughters.

"We're all like this when we first leave our babies. I promise everything will be fine though Demi. Go to work." Johanna says and I take a deep breath and nod.

"Alright. I love you guys, I'll be home later. Thank you again Johanna." I say as I grab my purse off the coffee table. I give everyone one final smile before heading out. When I got to the hospital, I checked in and started my day. Several people came up to me to congratulate me on Layla, but after awhile it started getting annoying because people that I've never even talked to before were trying to start conversations with me.

"So, how's my best doctor doing on dad duty today?" Bryan asks walking up to me and I furrow my brows as I file some paperwork.

"He got called into work this morning." I say slowly as I look up at him and he furrows his own brows.

"No he didn't. I make those calls, and I think I would remember if I did." He says and now I'm just pissed. I take a deep breath to calm myself down so I don't completely explode in front of my boss.

"Right. Maybe I heard him wrong then since it was early." I say and he nods before walking away and I sigh heavily as I log onto the computer and go to all the patients files. I look up Taylor's name to see that she checked herself out of the hospital a month ago. The same day she showed up at the diner. I roll my eyes as I log back out and go back to filing the paperwork so I can just push Jesse and him lying to me again at the back of my mind.

Several hours later, I was finally off so I clocked out and went straight home because I was furious at Jesse and also I missed my girls. I forgot what it was like to be gone all day long. When I pulled up to the house, I saw Jesse's car in the driveway so I take a deep breath before getting out of the car and walking inside. What I see though makes me completely forget how angry I was at Jesse and smile instead. Layla was laying in her rocker smiling big up at Jesse as he bounced around her and sings loudly as Bella laughs and records the whole thing. I bite my lip as I lean against the entrance of the living room as a larger smile creeps up on my face. Soon, Jesse turns around and sees me and that's when he stops all movements and his face turns red.

Two Pieces (Demi Lovato and Jesse Williams)Where stories live. Discover now