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Bryan POV 4 hours ago

I was realized 2 days ago, I broke my hand in 3 places so they had to make sure nothing else was broken and all that, first thing I did was try to go see Sky but her mom wouldn't let me 

Skylyn POV now

Sky: huh?, whe..where am I?

SM(sky mom) hunny, your in the hospital

Sky: what? no.....I was in a cell, about to be let out, why did Bryan take me here?

SM: Bryan didn't take you here, he put you in here

Dayne: oh good, she's awake............hey baby

Sky: don't hey baby me

Dayne: whats wrong?

Sky: I saw you cheating

Dayne: baby I promise, I didn't you must've seen it in the coma

Sky: coma?


Sky: what happened?

SM: you were in the car with Bryan and got in a wreck, your car was flipped. you were unconscious when they got to you but you have no broken bones

Sky: how long have I been out?

SM: 1 1/2 weeks

Sky: hows Bryan?

SM: i'm no-

Dayne: he's fine

Sky: I wasn't talking to you

Dayne: babe-

Sky: no, get the fuck out

Dayne: Sky?

SM: its okay, she doesn't know the difference in reality and dreams right now

Sky: no mom stop, you need to get out too

SM: Skylyn grace lunar, who are you to talk to me like that i'm your mother

Sky: yeah and i'm 20, almost 21. I don't live under your roof, and you still like to talk for me


Sky: I know whats real and not, at least when we went to the store, and the restaurant before that, at the store I saw him with another girl while he was supplying a minor with beer

he opened his mouth to say something but never did

no noise filed the air creating an awkward silence

Sky: I never meant to raise my voice, i'm sorry

SM: its okay hunny, i'm gonna step out for a minute so yall can talk

she stepped out and closed the curtain

Dayne: Sky-

Sky: no, please don't say anything

Sky: where's Amara?

Dayne: she tried to come see you but your mom was strict who she let in

Sky: Bryan?

Dayne: I tried calling him but lately he won't ever pick up

Sky: Chris?

Dayne: he stayed with Bryan the whole time

Sky: Frankie?

Dayne: um- hes been missing for the past 3 days

Sky: are you serious?

Dayne: yea- the police are looking for him

Sky: why'd you do it?

Dayne: I don't know?

Sky: that's not an answer

Dayne: I, i'm not really sure

Sky: how long have you been seeing her?

Dayne: 2 months

Sky: 2? that's when we got together

Dayne: yea-

Sky: just get out, I'm done being treated like I don't matter

Dayne: look i'm sorr-

Sky: sorry won't fix this

Dayne: just give me another chance

Sky: no, get out, go get your stuff out of my house and stay away from me

sorry its kinda bland rn, it will get better over time, I have a few ideas but not sure which one I like

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