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as I was being dragged to another location I kept wishing someone would come for me, I ended up finding out that the girl screaming was Amara and it was Frankie who was torturing her, Dayne and Frankie ended up raping me that night and although its kinda hard to keep up with the days I think i've been in here a little over 2 weeks

Sky: I've been here before

Dayne: there's no way but whatever you say

Frankie: shut the Fuck up bro, and that slut over there needs keep her mouth shut before I make it permentally shut

Alesha: no let me do it, that way I can show this homewrecker shes a nobody

Sky: why are you even here?

Alesha: Because I am you little slut

Sky: okay, look can yall just drug me already, I know i'm a nobody, and that no one loves me, and that I deserve everything thing done to me

Alesha: don't go demanding shit

Frankie: ok A shut the fuck up, your becoming more annoying than both the nits combined

Alesha: ugh, Dayne arn't you gonna back me up?


Alesha: Dayne?

Frankie: what the fuck? what happened, where'd he go?

Alesha: she did this

Frankie: don't be stupid, she tied up and when you were asking for backup I put more drugs in her system

Alesha: then you did this

Frankie: bitch please

Alesha: um excuse me, i'm not a bitch 

Frankie: then how about a spoiled rich brat

Sky: ho...how brout a bratch......haha......brack tat to fun(slurred, "how about a bratch, laugh, bratch thats to funny"

Alesha: uh- whatever i'm going to go find my boyfriend

Frankie: Byeeeeeeeee Bitch

sorry its short i kinda have no motavation to write but if you have any ideas feel free to comment or dm me!

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