the store

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Bryan: am I driving?

Sky: yeah, you wanna take your car?

Bryan: sure

(skip to store cuz i'm lazy)

Bryan: okay whats the first thing on the list?

Sky: chips

(got the chips)

Bryan: now whats on the list

Sky: chocolate 

Bryan: okay what kind?

Sky: I don't know

(got some candy and chocolate)

Bryan: okay what's next on the list?

Sky: ice cream

Bryan: oh gosh I just realized, are you on your period?

Sky: maybe.......

everything was silent

Sky: nah i'm just kidding, yes i'm on it

Bryan: I guess you lost all you high school mood swings

Sky: what that supposed to mean

I looked forward starting to walk while expecting an answer but instead I saw something

Bryan: nothing just- oh sweet mother of jesus hold me back right now before I go swinging

I saw Frankie, Dayne and this random girl all walking together with beer in the cart, Dayne's hand around her waist and just as she got on her tippy-toes to kiss the tall boy I turned away in hopes of not seeing my boyfriend kiss another girl

Bryan: sky

he turned me into his chest as he saw the tears brimming my eyes

 Bryan: its okay, do you wanna go confront him?

Sky: no- lets just go, I just wanna go home

I turned away from Bryan's chest and walked into an isle away from my cheating boyfriend who will soon officially be my ex 

Bryan: Sky, is there anything else on the list?

Sky: No, we can just put this stuff up, I just wanna go home

Bryan: Sky, there is nothing wrong with you, he screwed up, don't let him ruin our night of fun

Sky: look, get the stuff or don't but i'm gonna go get some air

Bryan: ok, i'll text you when i'm at checkout

Sky: ok, i'll probably meet you outside anyway

I ran to the exit of Walmart and breathed in the fresh air as I stepped outside. once the realization sunk in I cried as I tried to find a place out of view, now I kinda wish I had taken a picture or something to really confront him so he couldn't deny it, I also wanted to find out who she was just in case she was being played by him as well, she deserved the truth as much as I did

(skip 5 minutes)

Bryan: hey Sky there you are,you okay, you ready to go?

Sky: yeah

(in the car)

Sky: you wanna know what I was thinking about while I was outside?

Bryan: what?

Sky: how I wished I had gotten a picture to confront him, and also to see if I could find out who she was and tell her because no matter what she deserves to know shes being played too

Bryan: classic Sky, always putting others feelings before her own

Sky: not really, I want it to confront him, that's my own feelings not others

Bryan: no, its his feelings and your own its so he can't lie and you can't get hurt any more than  you already have

Sky: why do you always do that?

Bryan: do what?

Sky: lie, I say i look ugly, then you say I look so beautiful, and then I tell you something bad about me and you use a lie to make it good

Bryan: its not lying, you are beautiful, and those bad things you keep saying is how you view things, I just view the right way

Sky: no, you view the positive side and I view the human side

Bryan: come here

Sky: why am I not good enough for him?

Bryan: Sky you are, he is just a dumb stupid person who thinks its okay to treat anybody the way they want

Sky: can I be real with you right now

Bryan: yeah

Sky: I know you told Dayne you kinda still liked me, and wasn't gonna say anything until Dayne was okay with it but, if I'm being honest I like you to. and i'm not just saying this to try to get back at Dayne, as you know I used to write in my diary almost everyday, and still do in that I wrote that I think I like you more than Dayne but don't know how to tell him, and if you don't believe me I can point and tell you where it is in my room and you can read it without me being there, I like you Bryan, always have always will, all i'm asking right now is do you like me bac-

his lips attacked mine in the most gentle and passionate way

Bryan: I do

Sky: (laughs) still to early for that

Bryan: yes, I like you to

Sky: good, lets go back to the house and just chill

Bryan: oh and by the way, I got a picture of Dayne and mystery girl kissing. I can send it to you so you can confront him then we can talk about what we wanna do about us!

Okay see ya'll in the new year

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