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I awoke to bright lights and ringing of voices

Sky: what happened

Dayne: oh your awake

Sky: again what happened

Dayne: you threw up in the car, mucas, not blood, i pulled over to make sure you were okay, and then your eyes started shutting, you had blacked out

Sky: do they know whats wrong with me?

Dayne: they said you over dosed, and somehow your kidney ruptured

Sky: how i only took 3 pills of my prescribe medicine

Dayne: did they taste normal

Sky: yeah, but i also drank enough water to not taste anything

Dayne: i'm calling Bryan

Sky: why

Dayne: so he can check your pill bottle




hey will you got to Sky's real quick?


i need you to check a pill bottle i pretty sure someone switched something to make Sky see things

um, what

im not sure but sky is in the hospital so i need you to grab a medince bottle thats on the counter, and bring it here

i'll b there in 20


((end call))

Sky: what'd he say

Dayne: he'll be here in 20

Sky: hes coming here?

Dayne: yeah, why, is there a problem?

Sky: Dayne i need to tell you something

Dayne: let me guess, before he left you had feelings for him?

Sky: yes,wait how'd you know? anyway i sent him a text on his first day therein LA telling him how i feel, and he left me on red

Dayne: ......

Sky: why do you look so guilty, oh Dayne what did you do?

Dayne: don't freak out but i read you dairy, before I left, found out your feelings and since i felt that way you felt towards him, and i knew he didn't feel that way, i asked Dom to switch his contact for mine, then when you got your phone swiped, you put everything in new, so i started talking to you as me, the person who loves you, and never wants to see you get hurt

Sky: i should have known, Dom getting me a new phone for my birthday, him saying he already put everyones number in, i had no photos or any of my old stuff but all those were tied to my computer so why did it matter, but now it does, i was mad at him for no reason

Dayne: i'm sorry i did it to protect you

Sky: look, i know who switched the pills i should've known, yesterday when my moms boyfriend and her came over,  he used my bathroom, while she used the guest

Dayne: who is he

Sky: idk i tuned out their convo and just text with you

Dayne: okay i'll call your mom

(10 min later)

Bryan: Skylyn?

Sky: uh hi

Bryan: you okay?

Sky: ugh yeah, spit up some blood, passed out, nothing unusual

Bryan: that's your usual?

Sky: no but its my way of telling you, you don't need to worry

Bryan: well i guess that's what Dayne is for

Sky: yup, sad part is, tomorrow is our 2 month anniversary

Bryan: that's cool

 Sky: yeah

Bryan: where is Dayne, he said he needed these

Sky: yeah, hes talking to my mom, about her boyfriend, who tried to kill me

Bryan: that sounds fun.......... not

Sky: yeah

Bryan: why'd you stop talking to me?

Sky: okay, long story short, I had started liking you, before you left, we were best friends and i knew you didn't like e like that, so i never said bye, when ya'll landed,  i thought you had texted me but instead it was Dayne, long story short, Dayne told me Dom switched ya'lls contacts, i confessed my feelings to yo-, well Dayne and said i like you Bryan, Dom got me a new phone that's was wiped so i never knew until about 30 minutes ago, i had thought you left me on red but it was Dayne, i was mad, for no reason, and for that i'm sorry

Bryan: wow, quite a love story, only one thing is wrong, you said-

Dayne: hi, sorry about that, oh look at that you 2 are talking again

Sky: you wanna shut up know, i told him

Dayne: ok um, you have the pills

Bryan: yeah, here, i better go, see ya'll around

(next day)

Sky: can i leave today

Dayne: um, i'll go get the nurse

(at your house)

Dayne: i had plans but don't have enough time to set them up so you just wanna relax, or we can go have a boys day

Sky: cause that's what i want 

Dayne: well what you want i believe, i was gonna wait for later

Sky: okay, then lets go have a boys day

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