what can 2 weeks do?

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******trigger warning, this chapter contains death and other things- if you choose to not read this chapter the next will have a summary of what you missed********

skip 2 weeks

Bryan POV

I just walked into a very bad situation- Sky woke up yesterday and said that she wanted me to check on Dayne, I said why not as long as she actually wants me to not that she feels guilty too


(gun clicks)

Bryan: NO NO NO, Dayne stay with me, come on just stay with me

Bryan: HELP................(cries).... SOMEONE HELP

I grabbed for my phone without leaving him-

disbatch: 911 whats your emergency?

Bryan: my frend- he just shot him self

disbatch: okay how long ago was this and whats the adress?

Bryan: like 2 minutes ago- (random adress) 

disbatch: okay the ambulence is about 15minute away- do u know why he shot himself?

Bryan: no...(crying)...he.....I walk in and he......he just

disbatch: its okay sir calm down- how are you related to this man?

Bryan: we were best friends and um- we had a falling out a while back

disbatch: okay- theyre almost there

Bryan:is he dead?

disbatch: i dont know sir- do you wanna check his pulse?

Bryan: I-................

disbatch: sir they're pulling up

I watched as blurry people interd Daynes house- I couldn't do anything and I felt like it was my fault.


(two days later)

Dayne's really dead- once Bryan was clamed down he was asked where sombody he knew was and he said me- he was taken to my hospital room in tears- speechless- broken.

Sky: you awake?

Bryan: mhm

Sky: i'm sorry

Bryan: for what?

Sky: sending you to that house

Bryan: its okay


Amara: knock knock

Sky: hey mara

Amara: hey- 

Sky: wheres Chris?

Amara: parking

Sky: did you tell him?

she shook her head

Bryan: tell who what? sorry i'm being nosy

Sky: its okay

Amara: u can tell Bryan

Sky: Amara and Dayne were half siblings

Bryan: what?

Amara: we found out when Sky was in her second coma, we were getting really close and stuff- but nows hes gone

Sky: hey its okay- come here

Chris: hey gu- baby,

she leaned in my ear and asked if I could tell him

Sky: hey chris

Chris: yea?

Sky: I'm gonna tell you somthing but its only because she can't

Chris: okay?

Sky: Dayne was Amaras half brother-

Chris: oh- thats why they were spending so much time together

Sky: yeah-

Chris: when did she tell you?

Sky: yesterday....after she found out he died

Chris: ok-

Amara got up from laying with me and went to go sit with Chris while crying into his shoulder


ok so i kinda hate this story and they way its going but if yall want me to continue it jet let me know and if yall have some ideas for me pls tell me

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