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Chris:(huffs) fine, I know that you have a boyfriend but I could care less about that piece of shit right now, I like you, and like always I thought my feelings would go away but for you they just kept getting stronger, during senior year I had convinced myself that I loved you, still do if i'm gonna be honest 

end recap**

Amara: look, I like you to but we can't doing anything, you've seen what Frankie can do

Skylyn POV

Sky: hey Bry, how has California been?

Bryan: really cool, I love meeting all my fans

Sky: that's cool, so um, I wanna be completely honest with you the reason Amara is spending the night is because apparently after his Gran died Frankie started hard drinking, he was being really rude and aggressive towards her tonight and then me and Dayne got into a silly argument, so I left with Amara and I want to keep her away from him so..........

Bryan: yeah- I completely get that, do you care if I ask what ya'lls argument was about?

Sky: it was kinda stupid but he got all mad at me for having a list of baby names I like in my phone and I guess he though I was pregnant or something- which i'm not but- the look on his face was like if I was pregnant he was going to leave me

Bryan: I see it from his side- kinda, and I see yours but since Dayne can still be pulled back into the marines at any givin time, and he wouldn't want you to get pregnant then him get deployed, he loves you too much to put you through that

Sky: what about you?

Bryan: what about me?

Sky: do you love me enough to not leave again

Brayn: Sky, I tried to say bye, I had even looked at getting you an apartment out in LA so we could still be besties, but you never said bye and you never talked to me after that

Sky: the not talking to you after you left wasn't all my fault, that's mainly on Dom, and about the not saying goodbye, I started liking you about 3 months before you left and I didn't want to ruin our friendship so I never said bye

Bryan: oh-

Sky: look- I heard your conversation with Dayne the other night, is it true though?


Chris: huh? because I know that when Skylyn worries its not for nothing, especially for someone she apparently just met today  

end muffle*

Sky: what the?

Bryan: so this isn't really my secret to tell but Chris likes Amara, and to be honest he probably was just talking about why she staying with you and not at home

Sky: oh, you think she'll tell him the truth?

Bryan: from that, i'm sure she did

Sky:okay but back to us, Dayne just said he wanted me happy and to be honest, i'm not happy, those pills that you brought to the hospital weren't just nightly medication, they were depression pills and it wasn't my moms boyfriend it was me, I overdosed

Bryan: Sky, why didn't you tell someone

Sky: I didn't know who to tell, you were gone, i'm second to my mom because all she cares about now is her boyfriend, I don't know how to tell Dayne because even though i'm not happy doesn't mean I want to break his heart, and that is if he actually cares that much about me

Bryan: well i'm here now, so you'll be fine

Sky: yeah but you could be leaving soon

Bryan: but i'm here now and that's what matters

we went in to hug each other but stopped when Chris came out of the guestroom with tears brimming at the edges of his eyes

Sky: Chris, you okay?

Chris: she doesn't want me to say anything but, he hits her, she has bruises on her back, belly, shoulders

Sky: what? that poor girl. no matter what well I know one thing she is not going to be anywhere near Frankie anytime soon(she said it through gritted teeth)

Chris: I thought the same thing 

Bryan: okay well, why don't you go comfort her and just try to cheer her up

Chris: okay, but i'm gonna run to the store first to get us some snacks

Sky: hey how about I go with you, I need a few things

Bryan: how about Chris you send me a list of what yall want, and me and Sky will go get it

Chris: sure, okay i'll text you, see ya'll in a bit

love you all, hope you all have a great holiday! see yall next week 

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