Williams boys

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Sky: feel free to make yourself at home, oh and do you care if I invite Chris and Bryan over?

Amara: no, that's fine



hey Bryan, I was wondering if you and Chris wanted to come over

uh, let me ask, yo Chris you wanna go hang out with Sky and Dayne for a bit

isn't that weird

oh um, it just me and Amara no guys

Chris: Amara? Frankie's girlfriend? wheres Dayne and Frankie at?

Yeah that Amara and i'll explain later

oh okay well i'm in, so Chris you coming?

okay, I guess

okay well be over in a bit

k' bye

end call**

Amara: so they coming over?

Sky: yeah, but I have a question, is he always like that? 

Amara: is who always like what?

Sky: Frankie, and like he was tonight, aggressive and angry?

Amara: (breath) no, its only when hes drunk, he started Drinking after his Grandma passed away

Sky: Drinking? how much?

Amara: I don't know, I went over to his place once and just in his room there were 4 empty beer bottles

Sky: okay look, that obviously is not the real Frankie but until he gets help- why don't you stay with me, just so I know your safe

Amara: um- are you sure? I dont wanna be a burden

Sky: positive

Amara: only fouls are positive but okay

Sky: omg, Momma Williams tought you that too?

Amara: yeah but do you mind if we go to my house and at least get some clothes and other stuff

Sky: yeah- no thats fine, you need stuff tonight or you wanna go tomorrow?

Amara: tomorrows fine, but can I borrow some clothes for tonight? 

Sky: yeah, you want joggers, sweats, leggings, shorts?

Amara: what tempature do you keep it at night

Sky: about this if not a little lower

Amara: okay, um shorts are fine

Sky: okay, do you want a baggy T, or a tank, or-

Amara: a baggy T should be just fine

Sky: okay, did you want a hoodie?

Amara: um, I might be weird but I can only do guys hoodies and taking Daynes would just be weird

Sky: no I get it, I can ask Chris to bring one 

Amara: only if you want to


Sky: can you ask Chris to bring a hoodie for mara

Bryan: your so funny why not text Chris?

Sky: idk

Bryan: he said he'll grab one but wby you want one

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