in and out

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5 weeks later

Nurse: final time of death? 2:15pm

no no this can't happen, not after all we've been through, we started as friends then were more but it got too weird, when we parted it was rocky, then I thought it was getting better

Frankie: what? how? what did you do?

but now were here, next to yet another hospital bed, crying over something that was not our fault but could've easily be avoided with one of us interfering

5 weeks before (present day)

Bryan POV

I was being pushed by all different people, by now I couldn't think straight, my mind was only thinking of revenge, but not my revenge, revenge for Sky

Nurse: Sir? Sir? Sir? I need you to look at me

I was snapped out of my thoughts of Skylyn by a nurse

Bryan: sorry, what?

Nurse: do you know what happened to your friend?

Bryan: um- I walked in and she was bruised and um- I don't know if that's how she looked or um- then I heard beeping um- I uh-

Nurse: its okay

Bryan: is she gonna be okay?

Nurse: yea- she flat lined for a minute then came back, but she's in a coma again

Bryan: again?

Nurse: yeah um she was in a crash like 2 weeks back and was put into a medical induced coma, she only woke up today, and now shes back to the beginning. do you know her?

Bryan: she's my best friend

Nurse: i'm sorry- well look um if I need to call someone to take you home I can you look in no shape to drive

Bryan: i'll be fine thanks

Nurse: do you wanna see her?

Bryan: yes please


B: Hey Frankie, did you get checked out?

F: yeah

C: once the police found out he was a minor they almost put him in jail- then I told them that Dayne was drugging him, which isn't wrong

F: and they let me go

B: so Sky woke up

C: really?

B: yea- then um something happened and now she's back in a coma

C: she was in a coma?

B: apparently, so where's Mara?

C: with Mom, she didn't want to be alone at Sky's house

B: yeah

F: does she know? how is she?

C: um- she's........

B: she's okay Frankie

C: she doesn't know yet but there's something I need to say

F: yeah?

C: I like her, and she likes me back

F: oh- well i'm happy for you, just treat her right please, she's a good one

C: I though you would be mad?

F: while I was missing I started sobering up and I kept seeing these like memories of how I treated her and I feel so bad

B: I'm gonna go but if I don't come home tonight i'll be here

C+F: k' bye

B: bye

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