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I walked in silence with Chis headed to the parking lot to the cars

Chris: so...

Sky: please don't talk just listen, I left Bryan 4 years ago because I thought he cheated on me, I now know that it was merely a prank for his Youtube channel but I left before he could explain, yes I was pregnant with his child and planned on telling him that afternoon but that never happened, I left and went back to jersey and with all the memories I ended up in a mental hospital because even with a baby in me I was suicidal-

I paused letting a few tears roll down my cheeks as I thought about how bad it had been

Sky: after she was born I was givin one month to try to get better or she would be taken from me so I got better and decided to leave Jersey and go to Georgia where I met Tyson my current boyfriend at the time Brooklyn was only a few months old and we were only friends but he helped me get back on my feet and even got me here to Florida

I took a deep breathe knowing that my past was tragic but I didn't want or need his pity

Sky: I know that you told Bryan that I have a kid, I know that he knows its his because I'm to loyal- I don't know what your trying to get out of this but Chris if you care about me at all you need to go home and pretend we never had this conversation

Chris: you wanna know?

Sky: know what?

Chris: what my coming here was for

I nodded

Chris: I needed to know that you were okay, and that all this time Bryan hasn't been looking for nothing

Sky: Chris I can't have him just come back into my life

Chris: why not? Brooklyn is his kid too

Sky: he just can't, he's never done anything for her I raised her alone, not him

Chris: because he didn't know, and why can't he know his daughter? why cant you even talk to him?

at this point both of our voices started to get a little louder and I felt as if I was about to be hit with a tear storm of my own

Sky: because he can't, I can't do it I DON'T WANNA BE SUCKED BACK IN


Sky: I LOVE HIM CHRIS, I ALWAYS WILL BUT- but I can't do that to Tyson

and there it went

the one thing I never wanted to admit out loud 

to anyone

Chris: your refusing him from knowing his daughter because you know that if you see him again you know you are gonna leave Tyson, and you feel you owe him too much for that

Sky: yeah-

Chris: do you even have feelings for Tyson?

I stayed silence knowing I couldn't bring myself to say the answer out loud

Chris: so your just pity dating him?


Chris: ay yi yi Skylyn always too nice for her own good

Sky:  I have to go back in

Chris: look can I just meet my niece? please

Sky: fine- meet me here at 2 pm and then you can follow me to Carlas house

Chris: Carla?

Sky: Tyson's mom

Chrsi: oh okay well i'll see you at 2

600 words

sorry I have been off lately a lot has been going on and I just needed a little time but things are better so everything should return back to normal soon 

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