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Chris: ready to go?

Sky: yeah i guess

Brooke: mwommy can we gwo?

Sky: yeah were gonna go now- Ty you ready?

Tyson: the question is are you ready?

Sky: honestly no, but i will be eventually

Chris: are you sure you wanna do this today?

Sky: yes, I- (breath) I want him to meet Brooke

Chris: okay well then yous can get loaded and ill call Bryan telling him to meet me in the hotel room

Sky: can you not say anything about me? please? i want to surprise him

Chris: sure- I'll just tell him i wanna talk to him about something

sky: okay we'll be waiting in the car

Chris POV




hey dude

hey Chris wasup?

i gotta talk to you about something


just meet me in the hotel room i'm on my way there now its gonna be like 30 minutes to an hour but just be ready

okay yeah sure, does Frankie need to be there for the talk

no but he can be

okay ill let him know- well head back in like 20 minutes and then shower

got it see you then


end call**

I walked over to Sky's car and got in the back next to Brooke

Chris: he will be in the room in about 30 minutes because i didn't know how long the drive was 

Tyson: what hotel are you staying at?

Chris: (idk something on the beach)

Tyson: that's about 30 minutes away but since its the lunch rush probably 45

Sky: b-Tyson will you turn on gps

Tyson: sure

Brooke: mwommy can i have your phone?

Sky: baby its charging, how about you talk to uncle Chris

so sorry its short but its all i can really do rn so yeah, quote of the week goes to One and Only but i love yall so so much and hope you have fantastic weeks

315 words

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