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1 new message from babygurl

Babygurl: goodnight bubs i wuv you

Daynosour: night, i'll see you tomorrow

Babygurl: are you coming over to sleep here??

Daynosour: yeah but it'll be a while, you just sleep and ill use my key

Babygurl: okay

Frankie: oh Dayne, i was talking to my girlfriend and she said that since she thinks her and Sky would be suck good friends, she thinks a double date would be fun

Dayne: yeah sounds fun, we could grab dinner and watch movies, play some games, i'll ask sky what she thinks

Frankie: yeah, we could do it during the week

Dayne: okay yeah

Chris: wait Frankie, you got a girl?

Frankie: yeah i'll bring her around tomorrow

Bryan: cant wait to meet her bud

Frankie: just don't forget she is mine

Chris: well whoever she is, shes not a piece of property, shes a girl, but yes shes your girlfriend

Dayne: okay where am i driving?

Bryan: our house

Dayne: williams house it is

(at williams house)

Momma williams: oh boys, so nice to see you all

Chris: hi mom

BOLD: Dayne

normal: Sky

((((incoming call))))

(crying)babe i saww you..... you were.....

shh its okay, whats wrong, are you okay?

I, I guess it was all a dream

Here, give me like 2 minutes and i'll head straight over to you okay ... its fi...................................its fine

babe you don't sound good, here i'm leaving now

((((end call))))

Bryan: is sky okay?

Dayne: i think it was just a dream, but i'm gonna go to just make sure

Chris: yeah, well night bro

Dayne: night

(at Sky's house)

Dayne: babe, where you at

Sky: (cough, cough) i'm in here

Dayne: hey, whats wrong you okay?

Sky: there was a girl, she was trapped, tied to a chair, sitting alone, in the darkness, i was stuck watching in a corner, you and someone else rushed in, you ran to me as if i was trapped, the other ran to her in a frantic panic as if she was gone, i remember trying to scream to warn you, there was a guy who had a Halloween type mask on, he held a gun, and i saw you slowly drop, i kept screaming until i woke, when i did i felt sick but as if i couldn't move(cry, cry, tears, sniffle)

Dayne: sh, its okay

Sky: when i could move, i sat up, and spat out................................................................blo.............. ...............................................................................................................bloo......................................................................................................................bloo...........................................................................................................blood(blah)

Dayne: we need to get you to a Hospital now

A/N uh-oh, that's not good, update next Monday :)

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