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Bryan POV now

I went to try to go try to talk to Sky, her mom was standing outside what I was told is her room, past her I heard shouting from behind the curtain, there was a hoarse, almost gone voice, I'm guessing that was Sky and then there was another voice i'm not sure who its was because her mom pushed me away before I could identify it. 

Skylyn POV 

Dayne: don't mean that

Sky: I do though................I'm tired of being treated like this, before I thought it was normal but there are people in this world that show me i'm worth more than this 

Dayne: I just want you to know i'm sorry

Sky: what exactly are you sorry for?

Dayne: ........uh, everything

Sky: great, I forgive you

Dayne: Really?!

Sky: no not really, you treated me " really good" and now that I know it was all fake-

Dayne: everything with you was real

Sky: see but I can't believe you

Dayne: just one more chance-...........please?

Sky: goodbye Dayne

Bryan POV: 

I was walking to my car after a huge lecture from Lucy (sky mom)

Dayne: hey Bryan, what'cha doin here?

without thinking I punched him on the side of the face

Dayne: what the fuck dude

Bryan: that's for Sky

I punched him again but this time it was an upper cut 

Bryan: and that was for me, you knew I liked her, Dom showed me text saying he told you I did

lastly I kicked him in the balls

Bryan: and that was for Frankie, supplying him with alcohol, and then leaving him in the woods drunk and alone 

I knew what I was doing, but then again I didn't, I ran back into the building and back to Sky's room, I pulled the curtain and revealed a beaten Sky

Bryan: Sky?

she looked lifeless





someone ran in as I fell to the floor, tears glossed my eyes as I cryed for the first time in a while

Nurse: sir you need to back up

I love yall i'm so sorry!!

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