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okay so i'm really sorry i didn't update last week I just thought I needed a break from everything but i'm back and hopefully I can finish this book strong for everybody, but I just wanted to say that I have another book called One and Only that is another DreamLA  that is going to have a squeal very soon so if you already read that book and this one congrats yall found out first! love you all hope you enjoy this chapter

I'm so confused in life, was this all just fate? is fate even a thing, is this just karma? when did everybody just decide that this needed to happen?

you know what let me back up a little bit

3 weeks ago 5 am in Kissimmee Florida

Sky: thank you so much Ms.Carla

Carla(Tyson mom): oh dear its no problem and please call me just Carla no ms

Sky: okay Carla but really thank you so much for watching Brooklyn 

Carla: its really no big deal shes an angel

Sky: okay well I have to go to work but I'll be back before 3 

Carla: I thought you had class dear?

Sky: Tyson told you? 

she nodded her head

Sky: of course he did, well It will be fine I can take her with me or just skip

Carla: I will not allow that- not one bit, you just go and work and do school we will be perfectly fine and if you want her with you at any point just call me and I can bring her to you

Sky: Carla- I- I- I just- I don't know she can be a lot

Carla: oh i'll be fine, took care of Tyson growing up was a lot more than anything this little one could put me through- now go don't wanna be late

Sky: okay um just call me if you need anything

6 am in Orlando Florida

Sky: hey Brody sorry I wasn't here to open the store with you

Brody: eh its fine but you could repay me with letting me take you out

Sky: wow- Brady never gonna happen. you have tried this since we met i'm still with Tyson

Brody: oh yes how could I forget the man I have never met

Sky: whatever- where's Alyssa?

Alyssa: here- sorry had to get passed that security guard that keeps flirting with me

Sky: ugh men, never know when to back off

Alyssa: right?!

Brody: uh right here

Alyssa: we know, so what was it today? ice cream? a romantic gesture? a note?

he walked away with a sigh to go walk around

Sky: I didn't help him unlock the store and turn off the alarms so he said that i could make it up to him

I walked to the back to get inventory

Alyssa: Oh my Fu- 


Alyssa: hi welcome to SeaBase

Chris: uh hi- i'm actually looking for someone

I panicked I knew that voice all too well

Alyssa: sure?

Chris: her name is Skylyn but i'm not sure what- i don't know what she goes by but I really need to talk to her

Alyssa: okay? what does she look like?

Chris: last I knew she had brown hair with blond highlights, she is really pretty, she isn't skinny but she's not fat, she has light brown hazel eyes

Alyssa: look sir I don't know who that is but let me see if anyone else knows who she is. BRODY, GRACE

Brody: whats up?

Alyssa: help him please i'm gonna finish the register

Brody: whats up dude?

I heard him start to explain it again when Alyssa walked back and scared me enough that I screamed


Alyssa: sorry Grace didn't mean to scare you

Sky: its fine I guess i'm just very jumpy

Alyssa: did you hear that guy out there? he sounds freakin crazy

Sky: uh yeah

Alyssa: I mean you pretty much know everyone maybe you could help him

Sky: I'm sure Brody can do it

Brody: I can do what?

Sky: help the man out there

Brody: oh yeah no can do- I came back here to get you

Sky: i'm busy sorry

Brody: Grace just go help him, i'll stop asking for a week?

Sky: ugh fine-

I walked out to the front trudging my feet along, I kept my head down as I neared him

Sky: Hi sir( squeal type accent)

Chris: Hi I need help finding this girl, her name is Skylyn but she might go by something different, her hair is brown with blond highlights, she has hazel eyes and that's kinda all i know

I sighed not knowing what to do and slowly looked up to meet his eyes

Chris: Sky- Skylyn?

Sky: hey Chris

Brody: Skylyn?? but your name is Grace

Sky: fuck off Brody just mind your own business for once

Chris: yup that's Skylyn all right, only when sh's mad(chuckle)

he said it as a whisper to himself but I heard

Sky: look Chris um can we talk lat- you know what never mind Alyssa i'm going on a break 

Alyssa: wha- what? why? Brody what did you do?

Brody: ask Skylyn

Alyssa: Skylyn?

Brody: apparently Grace's real name is Skylyn

Alyssa: and?? she could prefer to be called Grace

Sky: thanks Alyssa but I have to go sorry to leave you here with this one but I know that since he found me I'm gonna have to explain a lot and my life is gonna be changing a lot

Alyssa: i'll miss you and Brooke

Chris: so that's her name?

Sky: just wait here i'll go get my stuff and then we can talk

 I walked to the back and grabbed my bag and sighed oh well I guess the past was bound to catch up with me at some point

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