a perfect fit

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sorry for the very early update but i cant sleep so this is updates 3:45am (C.T)

we went back down and I walked to Chris and Brooke 

Sky: hey Chris

Chris: hmm?

Sky: i'm ready when you are

Chris: sorry I just don't wanna get this wrong ready for what?

Sky: to see Bryan again- show him his kid

Brooke: who Bwryan?

Sky: no one baby- how about you go give Tyson and Ms.Carol a hug

Chris: what about Tyson?

Sky: he knows the truth and hes not mad but we did break up

Chris: okay um now? or when?

Sky: up to you but Tyson is gonna come as support as a best friend though

Chris: okay well then lets go now

Sky: hes not busy?

Chris: no hes at the beach with Frankie

Sky: oh yeah how is he? I haven't seen him since before I went to Georgia

Chris: hes good actually he moved back out to LA and in with us and has a good fan-base this time

Sky: he ever forgive himself about Amara?

Chris: what do you mean?

Sky: when he was in Jersey me and him were talking and he felt like Amara was his fault and i said it wasn't and that he should talk with you since you felt might have felt like that too

Chris: oh um no actually we never really talk about Dayne or Amara in the house its kinda like an unspoken rule that should be broken- like about a year after you left Bryan was live and someone asked if we missed Dayne and Bryan just started crying so much that I had to turn off his live

Sky: oh um yeah being the only person seeing him dead and stuff can really car a person- the only reason I hardly cry at their names is because I know I have to stay for her- I never wanna show her that i'm too weak for her or never be there emotionally for her like my mom was 

Chris: oh yeah what ever happened to your mom?

Sky: her boyfriend ended up killing her and then ended up in jail

Chris: my gosh Skylyn...I am so so sorry

Sky: its fine I actually found out she died the day after I left Bryan- and then I found out he was happy about killing her and then I found out that Amara's parents had her buried near my house, but anyway yeah

Chris: Sky i really am sorry and you have no idea how much that prank haunts Bryan- he couldn't even post it that's how bad it was like anytime that came up or he was gonna post on Youtube he would cry- like Dayne cry- for you, you were his every-

Brooke: mwoomy can we go get some iwce ceam? 

Tyson: sorry I tried to stop her

Sky: its okay but um maybe later baby, were gonna get in the car and go meet someone though

Brooke: otay is mws. Carwa gon come?

Sky: um no but TyTy and uncle Chris are

Brooke: can uncwle crwis next to me?

Sky: how about you ask him?

Brooke: will you swit next me?

Chris: sure Brooklyn, you ready to go get in the car?

Brooke: yweah but fwist mommy needs her shwoes

Sky: your right can you help mommy put them on?

Brooke: yay!

sh ran outta the room and grabbed my shoes and came running back

Chris: what was her first word?

Sky: um- dadda actually...I guess she heard it enough from people asking where her dad is

Chris: did you get it on video?

Sky: yeah actually It was on a live its the only place I show her

Brooke: otay mwoomy I need your foot

Sky: a perfect fit(giggle)

Brooke: just like cwinderewwa

Sky: your right baby now come on lets go

quote of the week:

" you must choose your own path"


I love love love you all so much and I have started going back to school and literally have been running on sleep 2-4hr sleep from the afternoon the day before so i am totally exhasted but I love you all and hope you are having way better weeks than me

650 words

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