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his lips attacked mine in the most gentle and passionate way

Bryan: I do

Sky: (laughs) still to early for that

Bryan: yes, I like you to

Sky: good, lets go back to the house and just chill

Bryan: oh and by the way, I got a picture of Dayne and mystery girl kissing. I can send it to you so you can confront him then we can talk about what we wanna do about us!


As we pulled up to my house we saw the door wide open with no Chris or Amara around

Sky: Bryan-

Bryan: I know I see it too

Bryan: stay here, i'll be right back

Sky: Bryan- wait

I pulled him in before I could stop myself, as we kissed it felt like a goodbye

Sky: please come back, don't go in there and get yourself killed

Bryan: i'll be fine- I promise

i pecked his lips for the last time before he ran inside the house

as I leaned my head back, I felt this rag over my mouth and then everything was black 

little further

I woke up with a bag over my head sitting on a hard surface like concrete

as I tried using my hands I found them bound together behind my back


?: y- ou

she sounded like she was bawling her eyes out

the screams continued so I tuned everything out

(skip 5 minutes)

I felt someone pick me up from my waist and I started screaming

I felt a jab in my leg and everything was black again

I awoke to the sound of chains rattling with the bag still on my head covering my vision

I tried pulling at my hands but they were in some sort of cuff connected to something else, same thing with the other hand but on the opposite side

I tried moving my legs but they too were connected to something too

it finally set in my brain that I was cuffed to a bed

??: well, well, well

???: look what we have here 

??: bro-

I would recognize that bro anywhere

??: its kinda stuffy in here maybe we should turn on a fan

as soon as I heard the click of the fan I felt a chill run down my body, the next thing I knew I felt a hand on what felt like my bear skin

I felt the hand travel up to my neck and grab ahold of it

I felt the hand grab at the edge of the brown sack on my head

??: are we gonna share her or is it just you?

sky: what do you mean share?

??: shut up

Sky: why are you doing this

??: because your a slut

??: and you need to be punished

Sky: you played me

???: go ahead babygirl say my name

Sky: bitch

??: oh this slut did not just disrespect you, are you really gonna let her get away with this?

Sky: are you high?

??: nah, but we will be in the mile high club

and theres the update love ya


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