lifes better now

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so today's my birthday.....and I wanted to give you a kind of fresh start because why not

5 years later

as I walked along the Flordia beach hand in hand with someone who was my bestfriend but is now more, I have somthing to say but- I don't know how to tell him

Tyson: happy 1 year babe

Sky: happy 1 year

I watched as he started to skip ahead- seeing him so happy I don't know how he will react

Sky: hey babe-

Tyson: what's up?

Sky: um- I don't know how to tell you this, um

Tyson: are you pregnant again?

Sky: what? oh um no

Tyson: then whats up?

Sky: you know brooklyns dad?

Tyson: yeah what about him?

Sky: well his brother found me, and he told Bryan. he doesn't know about Brook unless he went on a live but I don't know

Tyson: are you gonna tell him?

Sky: I don't even know how I would began to try

Tyson: well thats up to you but if you don't want him in your life again that's okay too- what he did was messed up and you don't ever deserve that

Sky: yeah

Tyson: so I was gonna wait until later but- I have a propsal

Sky: uh babe?

Tyson: not for marriage, but for me to become Brooks leagal dad

Sky: you would do that?

Tyson: yes, I love her as my own

Sky: aww bab-

??: ayo can you pass the ball?

Tyson: sure dude

I saw the stranger step into the bare moonlight

??: thanks dude

Tyson: no problem

was that? no it wasn't him- it couldn't be him

Tyson: earth to Skylar

Sky: what?

Tyson: you just zoned out a bit

Sky: yeah he just looked familier

Tyson: oh- well maybe hes famous

Sky: maybe but I can't put my finger on it 

Tyson: hmm you wanna go ask to play?

Sky: only if you want to- today is about you and me no one else

Tyson: you and me- so if you want to go find out who that was we can

Sky: okay lets go

we walked until we heard the laughter of 4 boys

Sky: hi

Perlongo: oh hi

Jack: wassup

Zack: yo

Tristan: I thought there weren't going to be any fans uhhh

Perlongo: bro chill out- they helped me get the ball

Tristan: oh- hey


Sky: So you all look really familiar but I don't know how

Zack: we used to be tiktok Famous 

Sky: oh- I haven't had tiktok in like 3 or 4 years

Jack: we were kinda famous about that time

Sky: oh

Tristan: wait a minute- you look like someone I used to briefly know

Sky: OH um-

Perlongo: Tris what you mean?

Tristan: she kinda looks like this girl that Bryan used to date- uh Skylyn was her name or somthing

Perlongo: oh yeah- the one that broke up with him because he was doing a cheating prank to start his youtube channel

Tristan: yeah but she never knew it was a prank

Zack: woah thats wow

i'm in utter shock, is that me they are talking about? was it all just a prank? did I just leave too fast for him too explain

Tyson leaned over to me and whispered

Tyson: are they talking about you?

Sky: I don't know

Tristan: anyway- um

Sky: how is he?

Tristan: wait are you Skylyn?

Tyson: her name is Skylar

Sky: no my real name is Skylyn

Tyson: what?

Sky: just how is he?

Tristan: I don't know- I haven't talked to him in over 6 months but last I knew he still cried about how he messed up and how every other girl just isn't the same

I felt a smile form on my lips but then my face dropped again

Sky: I don't know what to say

I was soo confused until I heard Tyson answer his phone

Tyson: hello?


Tyson: oh haha um yeah give me a second


Tyson: its for you

I gave him a wierd look and took the phone

Brooke: hwi moma

Sky: oh hi baby

Brooke: wen you cwome back, I wiss you

Sky: aww well can you give mommy like 30 minutes

Brooke: won, two, four

Sky: threes before four silly but not seconds but mommy will come right now okay?

Brooke: otay

Sky: okay ill see in a little bit

Brooke: witle bit

Sky: bye

Brooke: brye

I gave Tyson his phone back as Tristan looked at me

Tristan: how old is she?

Sky: she's 3 and a half

Tristan: she's Bryan's isn't she?

777 words total

okay soo yeah um k byeeee

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