Double Date

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A/N-So Bryans Birthday was yesterday and while I thought it'd be really cool to try to put it into today's chapter it wouldn't really make sense so his Birthday will be in the story but in later chapters

Dear diary

even tho its only been about a week since I last wrote so much has happened, I punched- well I did alot more than punch but anyway I put Dom in the Hospitial, on top of that I found out that Dayne and Frankie planned for us and his girlfriend to go on a double date, which i'm not mad about but, anyway I overheard Bryan and Dayne talking, when I had barley stepped foot into the house they started talking, i'm sure I wasn't supposed to hear anything but, now I know for sure Bryan likes me, and the bad part is I think I like him to, Dayne's great its just, I think my feelings for Bryan are stronger- wait what no that's not right, Daynes a great guy, just maybe not my great guy.

from, well me

Dayne: BABE, you almost ready? we leave in 15 minutes

Sky: yeah, I just need to know which outfit to where, can you choose, both of these are really cute

Dayne: uhhhhh- fine do this one

Sky: hey look at that were gonna match

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Sky: hey look at that were gonna match

Dayne: well hay is for horses

(skip to resturant)

Amara: omg you must be Skylyn

Sky: yes, but you can call me Sky, and you're Amara?

Amara: that's me, and you can call me Mara or Amara either is fine

Sky: oo- Mara that's cute, I'm gonna put that on my baby name list

Mara: omg, you have one to?

Sky: yeah I started it at 12

Mara: omg I started mine at 11

Sky: I can tell were gonna be great friends

Amara: Friends indeed

Dayne: uh- what did I hear about baby names?

Sky: oh well when I was 12 I started writing down baby names I liked in my phone

Dayne: oh for a second I thought you were pregnant

Frankie: Amara, lets step outside for a minute

Mara: okay

Sky: would that be a problem, I mean i'm not but you sounded as if I was pregnant you wanted nothing to do with me

Dayne: well, I mean you know I don't want kids, so if it happened, it happened but I don't want to try for one

Sky: you don't want kids? cause you've never told me that

Dayne: I had always wanted to adopt and maybe after I was married maybe I'd want kids but not now, I'm still young, I just wanna live my life

Sky: whatever

I couldn't believe him, especially saying that in a place like that, I just needed to get out of there

??: you are so stupid, you never listen

?: look babe your drunk, I didn't do anything wrong

was that Mara?

??: don't even you lil' bitch (smack)

Sky: Frankie, what the hell, don't you ever speak to someone like that

Frankie: what are you gonna do? beat me up like you did Dom? nah, don't think so i'm stronger than that little pussy in the Hospital

Dayne: Frankie, stop, go take a walk

Sky: Dayne, you need to stop fighting all my battles

Dayne: what are you even talking about 

Sky: I was just fine talking to Frankie and then you storm out here and tell him to take a walk

Dayne: okay I kinda see your point but what about the so called other times?

Sky: how about when Do-

Dayne: oh don't even Bryan was the one who pulled you off of Dom

Sky: okay first off don't interrupt me, and second I wasn't talking about 2 days ago, and even if I was if Bryan hadn't pulled me off Dom he'd probably be dead or close to dead, and if he was dead I couldn't live with myself knowing that without me someone could have had a life ahead of them, you know that, Bryan knows that, almost everybody who takes the time to get to know me knows that, but yet here we are, and instead of you pulling me off, you just stood there staring at me, and before you say you wouldn't even know or that's not true I looked over right at you just having a shook look on your face 

Dayne: okay well then if Bryan does the right thing all the time why don't you just run off to him and be his girlfriend 

Sky: oh whatever, you can go Fuck yourself Dayne and i'm taking your car feel free to come pick it up at MY house later, come on Mara lets go

*815 words*

xoxox love you all thx for reading my story

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