what gave it

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recap)Tristan: she's Bryan's isn't she?

Sky: how'd you come up with that?

Tristan: that just gave me my answer

Sky: can you just keep this to yourself, please

Tristan: why didn't you tell him

Sky: Because- I was going to that day but when I saw them I couldn't

Tristan: it was just a prank

Sky: well I didn't know that okay?

Tyson: babe- calm down

I felt myself starting to break down and go into panic attack mode, I told myself I had to stay strong for Brooke but she wasn't here

Tristan: i'm sorry

 Sky: its all my fault I knew I should've listened but I didn't and now I can't- I just can't

Tyson: i'm gonna take her to the car

Perlongo: here let me help

I felt someone pick me up Bridal style hoping it was Tyson I snuggled my head into his chest, once we neared the car I heard it unlock and felt myself be slipped in

Perlongo: I won't tell Bryan and i'll make sure Tristan doesn't either but I think she should- Bryan deserves to know

Tyson: I agree but I don't want her to have to worry too much about it, she's got alot going on 

Perlongo: you know to this day he still tries to find her

Tyson: really?

Perlongo: yeah- once he went back to Jersey and just waited he would walk to her house everyday just to see if she was home

Tyson: she only ever goes during winter but he must really care about her

Perlongo: i'm not trying to break ya'll up or anything, ya'll are cute together but just know if he comes back she might choose him over you

Tyson: I just want her to be happy and if that's with Bryan then that's okay

Perlongo: you seem like a good man....

Tyson: Tyson

Perlongo: well nice to meet you Tyson

Tyson: you too- so will I see ya'll around?

Perlongo: maybe me but not the others, unless Tristan stays

Tyson: well I hope to see you around

Pelongo: you too man- and hey take care of her she's a good one

Tyson: thank you- see you around

Perlongo: bye

I heard the whole thing and didn't know what to do but cry more but I know i'll have to straighten up for Brooke she can never see me like this- I need to be strong for her

soooooo um Bryan might pop up in a few chapters k' byeeeeeeee

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