wake up

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Bryan's POV(1 1/2 weeks ago)

Bryan: (groans)

Chris: Bryan?

Bryan: whats good little bro? what happened

Chris: you got into a wreck, car was flipped upside down when you were found, both of you unconscious, almost life less

Bryan: what happened to Sky? is she okay?

Chris: um- i'm not sure, she was the more hurt one between you two, when we got the calls Amara found out they had said something about emergency surgery and that's all I really know

Bryan: how long have I been out?

Chris: 2 days

Bryan: 2 days?

Chris: yeah

Bryan: 2 days and you know nothing about her?

Chris: look- your my older brother, your the only family that really loves me, I couldn't bear to get a phone call saying you died in a hospital bed all alone, so yes, I don't really know anything, Sky was taken to a different hospital and her mother wont even let Amara in there to see her, her mom blames you- 

Bryan: she should- it was me driving

Chris: Bryan, its not like you hit a tree, another car hit yours

Bryan: I should've been more careful

Chris: well its okay. anyway Sky will be fine Dayne says he was there a couple days ago

Bryan: Dayne? that little bitch

Chris: huh? i'm sorry what?

Bryan: when we were shopping we saw Dayne cheating on Sky with someone else, and now he thinks he can just go and be there for her?

Chris: okay well Sky's mom is the one controlling who sees her and who doesn't so, i'm guessing she doesn't know there through

Bryan: Dayne doesn't even know that she knows

Chris: you didn't confront him in the act?

Bryan: I was gonna but she stopped me

Chris; that girl is too sweet for her own good

Bryan: isn't that the truth

A/N anyone still confused with what is going on?

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