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after I walked back in I walked over to Alyssa 

Sky: hey Alyssa

Alyssa: so what happened?

Sky: so that's Brooklyn's baby daddy's brother

Alyssa: ohh wait so he found you?

Sky: yeah but its okay I guess I knew this day would come

Alyssa: so whats your real name?

Sky: Skylyn Grace Harris

 Alyssa: so Grace is your middle name?

Sky: yeah, your not the only one that didn't know my real name by the way, Tyson thought my name was Skylar

Alyssa: oh okay, wait so whats Brooklyn's full name?

Sky: Brooklyn Amara Williams

Alyssa: where did Amara come from?

Sky: Amara was the name of my best friend before she um- before she killed herself, we had a very complicated life and that was while I was still with Bryan- which is my baby daddy- but she was a big part of our life and her death really- um it was really hard

Alyssa: i am so sorry Grace

Sky: its okay

Alyssa: so why was that guy trying to find you?

sky: apparently Bryan didn't cheat it was for his Youtube channel and that he still after so long is still looking for me, and Chris -that guy- was trying to see if Bryan was wasting his time looking for me 

Alyssa: my gosh- you live a very interesting life

Sky: wanna trade lol?

Alyssa: haha no i'm good

Skip to 2pm

Sky: hey Amanda i'm gonna head out you and Brody got this?

Amanda: yeah for sure and then Cassidy should be here soon

Sky: okay- oh and Alyssa said that she might be a little late to her second shift to trade Brody

Amanda: yeah she texted me

Sky: great okay

I grabbed my bag and walked to my car only to stop to see Chris standing next to mine reminding me of my promise

Sky: you ready?

Chris: yeah

Sky: okay great do you wanna just get in my car and I can drive you back?

Chris: sure

skip drive because it was boring af

Sky: okay let me go talk to Carla and then i'll come get you

Chris nodded

once I walked through the door I heard laughter 

Sky: Hello everyone

Carla: hey

Brooke: momma

Tyson: hey babe how was work?

Sky: oh hey I didn't know you were gonna be here

Tyson: oh yeah

Sky: work was fine I guess but since your here i'll tell you both now

Carla: tell us what dear?

Sky: Chris found me at work- and I talked to him, he said he's not gonna tell Bryan but he wanted to meet Brooke so hes in the car right now

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