[𝟎𝟑.] 𝐬𝐢𝐜𝐤

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"Hey Suga?" Tobio asked as be looked around the gym for his salty boyfriend

"Yeah whats up, Kageyama?" Suga replied grabbing his water bottle

"Do you know where Tsukishima is?"

"No..but I think daichi said something about him not coming due to an issue.."

"Thank you Suga-san.."

"No problem Kageyama. But also j would ask Yamaguchi if he know anything, I mean they are best friends."

"OK, yes I will." Kageyama said smiling slightly but as he turned away it dropped.

But I'm his boyfriend?

Why would he not tell me what's going on?

Why would he tell Yams but not me?

Maybe I shouldn't be with him...I dont want to have things kept from me...but I also don't want to take away their friendship...

Whatever..if Yams knows i'll ask him why he didn't tell me.

Tobio crossed the gym to Yamaguchi who was practicing his recives on a wall.

"Hey Yamaguchi?"

"Hm? Oh hi Kageyama, did you need something?" Yamaguchi said stopping the ball and turning

"Uh..do you know why Kei isn't here?" Tobio asked putting his hand on his neck

"Uh he told me not to tell anyone especially you.."

"Why not...?" This made Tobio sad..why didn't he want to tell him?

"Umm..you didn't hear it from me but he's...sick..he didnt want you to worry or also get sick so he told me not to tell you.." Yamaguchi said hoping that Tobio didn't tell him that he told him that.

"Thank you Yamaguchi! And don't worry..I won't tell him you told me." Tobio said smiling and walking off to daichi.

"Hey Captain?" Tobio asked approaching his upperclassmen"

"Yes, Kageyama?"

"May I take this practice off? So I can help Tsukishima?"

"Oh sure..you and Hinata work hard and do extra practice so I dont think it will be a problem."

"Thank you so much!" Tobio said bowing.

"No problem."

Tobio left to get his back then headed to the store for medicine and a plush of a yellow dinosaur that reminded him of Kei.

He also went home to grab a spare change of clothes, while changing out of his practice clothes, a fluffy blanket and a pillow.

He walked to Kei's house and knocked on the door hoping Kei opened it.

A few minutes later the door creaked open and there stood a hunched over Tsukishima with dark circles, tired eyes and a blanket wrapped around him.

"Wha-" Tsukishima started before sneezing slightly.

Kageyama pushed him out of the way slightly to get in as it was absolutely freezing out and he didn't want Kei's cold to get any worse.

"Hey baby, don't even ask why I'm not at practice because you know I came to take care of you"


"Nope shut your mouth and go lay down on the couch."

"You can't order me around my own dman house."

"...fine. If you go lay down I'll give you this dinosaur plushie."

"I- ok. Fine." He said going to sit as Tobio made his way to the kitchen

Tobio made some hot chocolate and soup, before going out and placing both in front of his snuggled up boyfriend.

"Thanks.." Kei whispered.

"No problem, love." Tobio smiled.

Once Kei had finished Tobio grabbed a random Dinosaur documentary and put it on.

He grabbed another blanket and sat down next to Kei.

Kei layed on his shoulder, trying to keep his eyes open.

"Hey, you can fall asleep y'know? It's not like we haven't watched this a thousand times." Tobio laughed.

"Mhmm....I love you.." Kei mumbled.

"Aw I love you too, baby." Tobio said kissing Kei's head slightly.

Kei soon fell asleep and as soon as Tobio knew he was all the way asleep, he picked him up and carried him to his room.

He placed the tall boy on the bed and covered him.

He went back to the living room and grabbed the dishes, rinsing, washing, and putting them away.

After he had finished, he sprayed the couch with disinfectant (totally didn't have to look up how to spell that)

He made sure everything was clean before going back to Kei and cuddling him.


Tobio woke up first, and he got out some medicine and a thermometer for his sick Boyfriend to see if it was better than yesterday.

After prepping that, he went to the kitchen and made breakfast(lunch?), it was some simple toast, since he didn't want Kei throwing up.

He made some tea, and went to fully wake up his now half-awake lover.

"Hey Love, you gotta get up, I know your sick but it's already like 11." Tobio said, putting his and on Kei's cheek eating for him to fully wake up.

Once he was up, he gave him the medicine and checked his temperature, seeing it was lower than yesterday, he was glad.

They waited a bit before eating as they didn't think you could eat straight after taking medicine.

After they finally ate, they sat on the couch again and watched an unwatched Dinosaur movie.


Ok this is kinda short, but I'm finishing a bunch of other already started stuff so maybe I'll get it out sooner

Hope you like it!

Have a great day! Take care!

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