[𝟏𝟒.] 𝐨𝐡...

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❤️-sorta fluffy at the end

Kageyama rambled on about volleyball to Kindaichi and Kunimi as they walked towards kitagawa daiichis gym.

Kageyamas face was lit up in excitement and he told them he was going to make his family proud.

He continued rambling, until he realised they weren't interested in what he had to say, they were talking quietly amongst themselves, slightly ahead of Kageyama.

His face dropped

'oh...well maybe they're just not in the mood!'

He regained his smile and skipped along with them, entering the gym.

Then he saw them later during practice talking happily to each other.


Now he was talking to Oikawa about how cool he was, but he was being blatantly ignored

Again his face of excitement dropped, 'oh...maybe he just doesn't want to be bothered!'

But then Iwaizumi came to where they were sitting and Oikawa immediately joined conversation with him.


Fast forward a few years, and this time he was talking to Hinata and Sugawara.

The two weren't paying attention and either playing with a volleyball, or doing their own thing.

'oh..um maybe they just don't want to talk right now.'

Kageyama figeted nervously seeing if they really weren't paying attention before walking away.

But when he turned to look at them before he left, he saw them talking.


He never spoke up during class or team meetings at all anymore, and Tsukishima noticed this.

During practice he approached him.

"Hey you've been really quiet this week, you alright?" He asked

"I'm fine. It's not like you really even care."

"How do you know?" Tsukishima looked him in the eye, with a worried expression

"Because I know."

"Are you sure? Do you want to talk? Maybe later, it can be about anything."

Kageyama suppressed tears, because he new he wasn't being truthful, but he wanted to believe him so bad.

"Y-yeah right."

"I'm being serious. We can meet somewhere, you can come over to my house even."

"Why are you being so nice."

"Because belive it or not I care."

That was all it took for tears to come flooding down his face

Tsukishima brought him into a hug and he sobbed, catching the attention to everyone else.

They all came and ran over, wondering what happened.

With neither of them knowing the team was around them, Kageyama started pouring out how he was always ignored and how he just wanted to express himself to others.

The others joined in on the hug, and a few said some reassuring words surprising them both.

'oh...Maybe they really do care..' Kageyama thought


Ack this was shit- I was going to make it angstier but I haven't done angst in a while so I could figure out how

Sorry for not updating for a while my creative block really hit me really bad and I felt no joy writing or doing stuff I usually like and I didn't feel like doing anything but scroll through social media.

But hopefully I'll get back on schedule! I missed about a week so I'll try to double update this week.

If you guys would like to give some, I'd really appreciate some ideas, I'm running low on them at the moment-

But anyways, have a great day! Stay safe!

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