[𝟎𝟕.] 𝐡𝐨𝐦𝐞𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐤

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I swear I'm working on one from Tsukishima's P.O.V. :")


Kageyama sighed as he tried to solve the problem that was on his stupid homework paper.

He had gotten done most of his homework, now he just had to do math, which he happened to be failing at.(same bro)

He hit his forehead with the palm of his hand, trying to figure out the problems.

He gave up and grabbed his phone.

After scrolling though social media for half and hour he gave up procrastinating and put his head down.

He grabbed his phone again and went to his contacts, finding Tsukishima's.

He hit the call button and waited for him to pick up, making small hums to the rings.

He heard him pick up.

"What the hell do you want?" Tsukishima asked from the other side.

"I need help."


"I need help with my math homework."

He heard him sigh.

"Well I'm not getting up."

"Why not?"

"Because you interuppted my book. And I don't like you."

"Wow ok, I'll just come to you."


"and your mom will let me in because she's nice."

"How do you know?"

"Because 1. We've all met her, and two Yamaguchi's said so."

"Since when did you talk to Yamaguchi, and why?"


Tsukishima sighed again, "fine. You better hurry or I'm going to sleep."


Tsukishima then hung up and Kageyama grumbled at how much he hated him.

Or did he? He was confused.

That's why he had been talking to Yamaguchi more, to try and see if he really liked him or not, and to get to know Tsukishima better without talking to him, because he obviously hates him.

He grabbed his folder of homework, and slipped on his shoes on.

He also got grabbed a jacket and ran out his door.

Tsukishima only lived a few blocks away coincidentally, so it didn't take him very long to run there.

He arrived at his door panting slightly.

He knocked on the Tsukishima households door.

A sweet looking woman opened the door.

She had light brown hair, glasses, and gray blue eyes.

She was wearing a dark blue night gown, and white slippers.

"Hello! Um im Kageyama Tobio, a friend of Tsu- Kei's, I hope you don't mind my presence." He said a little scared she might not let him in.

"Oh it's alright dear! I don't mind at all. I'm glad Kei has another friend other than Tadashi. I'm Yui by the way."

Kageyama laughed slightly and Kei's mom smiled.

"Thank you ma'am." He said taking off his shoes as he stepped in.

She closed the door behind them and pointed to where Tsukishima's bedroom was.

"Me and my wife will be down here for a while if you need anything, we'll probably be watching a movie. Feel free to grab anything from the kitchen." Yui told him smiling.

"Yui? Who's this?" Another woman came in the living room.

She had hazel eyes and blue hair.

"Oh, Itsuki, this is Kageyama Tobio, Kageyama, this is Itsuki, my wife."

Kageyama waved slightly, smiling.

"Hello, your here for Kei I'm assuming from how young you look, Akiteru dosent really hang out with youngsters."

"Uh yeah." Kageyama laughed awkwardly.

"Alright, well I'd hurry up, he likes to go to bed early if he doesn't have anything to do."

"Yeah, I'll go now!" Kageyama said, then he went to the Tsukishimas room that Yui pointed to.

He knocked on the door.

He heard Tsukishima stand up from his bed on the inside, then he heard the doorknob turn.

The door swing open, and there stood Tsukishima.

"C'mon let's get this over with."

Kageyama followed Tsukishima to his bed and sat down, laying his homework dowm infront of them.

The two finished the homework a few hours later, which resulted on Kageyama sitting on the floor head laying in his arms on the bed, while Tsukishima was propped on the wall.

Kageyama fell asleep a few minutes after they finished.

So Tsukishima started putting his stuff back into the folder, putting it somewhere where Kageyama wouldn't forget to take it.

He grabbed his phone and set an alarm for an hour earlier so Kageyama could go back home and get ready for school.

He went downstairs quietly and grabbed a few extra blankets.

He went back up and set a comforter and a pillow on the ground, he carefully laid Kageyama down on it and started grabbed his pillow and blanket, setting it next to him.

Just then Yui opened the door slightly, not enough to alert Tsukishima, but enough to see him Kiss Kageyama lightly on the cheek, and stare at him softly for a bit.

She smiled, and closed the door, going to her room to sleep herself.


I wrote a chapter in advance the night before so I didn't have to worry about updating twice..

Pt.2 tomorrow where they confess or no?

Anyways, Have a great day! Take care, and Stay safe!

🥛🍰𝐭𝐬𝐮𝐤𝐢𝐤𝐚𝐠𝐞/𝐤𝐚𝐠𝐞𝐭𝐬𝐮𝐤𝐢 𝙤𝙣𝙚𝙨𝙝𝙤𝙩𝙨🍰🥛Where stories live. Discover now