[𝟎𝟓.] 𝐢𝐧 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞

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A/N: I am so sorry for not updating, I've been struggling with my mental health and I've had a busy March, and April, and having just a creative block in general, I'm also writing a Iwaoi book, another Tsukikage book, a KuroKen book, and an Iwaoikage book all at the same time as this, despite that i'm going to try to start updating daily, if you don't see an update for a bit, I'll try and get more up when I can to make up for it :)


Kageyama had been struggling with his feelings for almost a whole year.

He had never felt love before so he didn't know if he was in love or not.

But he got butterflys and embarrassed alot when a certain someone was near.

He also got slightly jealous and sad when he talked to someone else who seemed to have a crush on them or they had a crush on the person.

And the person just HAD to be Tsukishima Kei.

So he did the logical thing and went to his best friend.

"Hey hinata?" Kageyama asked, as they walked home.

"Yeah Kageyama?" Hinata said, stopping himself from skipping and turning to the taller

"Uhm..what does love feel like?"

"Pfft- what?"

"You heard me.." Kageyama grumbled

"Wait, really? You..dont know how it feels..?"


"Well...I don't know, I guess..you feel warm, and safe around them, you want to be with them. You could get jealous of others, you could get embarrassed more, it could feel more exciting with them.." hinata told him.

Kageyama thought, he did feel significantly safer around him despite pretty much hating him.

And he got embarrassed around him..

His face started to heat up, did he seriously like Tsukishima?

"Soooo, who is it?" Hinata asked, grinning

"Fucking Tsukishima." Kageyama said covering his face.

"WHAT," Hinata yelled shocked. "ARE YOU SERIOUS?"

"Yes..." Kageyama replied, face still in his hands.


Once Kageyama got home, Hinata immediately texted him.

Short orange.
We're talking about this tomorrow.

Tall blueberry

Short orange.


Tall Blueberry
It's not that big of a deal :/

Short orange.
Yeah ok. We're stil talking about it.

Kageyama sighed and put down his phone, he pulled out his homework, and did a few questions.

He put his head down, wonder who came up with math, and why did it have to be so complicated.

🥛🍰𝐭𝐬𝐮𝐤𝐢𝐤𝐚𝐠𝐞/𝐤𝐚𝐠𝐞𝐭𝐬𝐮𝐤𝐢 𝙤𝙣𝙚𝙨𝙝𝙤𝙩𝙨🍰🥛Where stories live. Discover now